Level 5 & 6 Wonga Weekly

Week 6, Term 2


In Literacy this week, we are using the texts Black Cockatoo and Us Mob Walawarru as the basis for a novel study where we will look at prefixes and suffixes, sentence structure, vocabulary and cultural themes.


What you can do at home

Help your child to set aside time to read - preferably every night. This will help them build important learning habits. Your child now has access to Reading Eggspress, to help with adding variety to their range of text choices.



In Numeracy this week, we will be applying our understanding of multiplicative thinking through Measurement. Students will be converting between known metric units and finding the perimeter, area and volume of simple and complex shapes.



Students will be completing a garden design challenge to showcase their learning. Look out for it on Showbie!


What you can do at home

Students have access to set multiplication and division questions on Mathletics. Please encourage them to achieve 1000 points each week.



- Mathletics - minimum 100 points from the work that has been set

- Reading 20 minutes per night, 4 times a week (Reading Eggspress is available)

- Recording events in their student diaries



🌱 Monday the 20th May - VSSS Local Rehearsal at RNPS from 12:30pm

🌱 Friday the 24th May - Inter School Sports (vs. Sacred Heart PS)

🌱 Monday the 27th May - Adolescent Health