Level 1 & 2 Wonga Weekly

Week 6, Term 2



In Reading, we  will be tuning into the vocabulary presented in the mentor text, 'Bowerbird Blues', noticing the verbs and adverbs used. We will also compare two texts, a fiction and a non fiction.

In Writing, we will focus on parts of speech including verbs and adverbs. We will use our new vocabulary knowledge to help write alliteration. Alliteration is when two or more words begin with the same sound.

In Phonics, we will be focusing on the digraph 'ch'.  When these two letters are found together they make one sound, as in 'chat', 'chirp' and 'perch'.


What you can do at home

Have a look at the library available on Reading Eggs. After reading a book from the library on Reading Eggs, help your child complete the quiz about the book. Did you know that not only can you search for books about a topic of interest in the Reading Eggs library, but you can also find books that are age appropriate. It is a great resource to explore, increasing the number of books that are available for your child to read.



This week we will continue with our focus on addition and subtraction, particularly exploring part, part, whole thinking. When thinking of the two numbers that add together to give a total, we are thinking of the two parts that make the whole. So, 6 and 4 are the two parts that make 10 and 55 and 45 are the two parts that make 100.

Fluency games and challenging tasks will be presented to provide students with a variety of opportunities to practise addition strategies.


What you can do at home

Dice and a deck of cards are simple tools used to play many fluency building maths games. Ask you child to teach you one of the card games or dice games that they have been playing at school this week. While playing, consider the strategies that the game encourages your child to practise.


🌄 CBL - Country

This week students will consider the question, 'What is special about country?' 

We will explore what traditional owners respect about country and how indigenous communities connect to it.



In Friendology this week, we will focus on healthy and unhealthy friendships. We will use the 'Friend - O - Meter' tool to reflect on when friendships are healthy, happy and fun (green) and when friendships are unhealthy, frustrating and disappointing (red). The terms 'trust' and 'respect' will be an important part of this learning. The image below shows you the 'Friend - O - Meter' tool that we will be referring to.



Sunday 26th May - National Sorry Day

Monday 10th June - King's Birthday Public Holiday