RE News

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Sacrament of First Communion
Congratulations to all of our Year 4 First Eucharist Candidates and their families. We thank all the families, friends and staff who joined us at the celebration mass to support the candidates.
May the love and strength of Jesus be with you now and always.
Thank you to the MLA teachers for their support and preparation of our candidates. Thank you also to Alinta and Jean- Paul for their beautiful music and singing. It added a beautiful and reverent atmosphere to the celebration. And a special thank you to Fr Thinh for coming to celebrate the Sacrament with us, as Fr Manny could not be with us.
Through the Eucharist we encounter Jesus, the spiritual bread of life. As Catholics, we believe that it is Jesus present in the Eucharist, not that the bread and wine are symbolic of Jesus. In the Liturgy if the Eucharist, celebrated at every mass, we commemorate and remember the life of Jesus, his message through the Gospels and his death and resurrection. At the end of the mass, we depart, sustained by the body and blood of Jesus to share the Good News through our actions and words.
Prayers of the Faithful
God of Mystery and Mercy,
You are with us always on our journeys, strengthening and guiding us. We thank you for the blessing of life and the world. Remain with us as we take another step in our life, growing closer to you through the sacrament of Eucharist. Lord Hear Us
All: Lord Hear Our Prayer
Loving and generous God,
Through Mary, Joseph and Jesus, you gave us an example of family, in the good times and the hard. We thank you for our families, for their love, guidance, patience and wisdom. Strengthen and protect them with your love as they strengthen and protect us with theirs. Lord Hear Us
All: Lord Hear Our Prayer
God of generosity and hospitality,
Through the story of the Loaves and the Fish, Jesus showed us how to welcome and show hospitality to all, even when it seems there is not enough. As we prepare to receive the Sacrament of Eucharist for the first time, may we be reminded that we are people of welcome and hospitality, sharing what we have, especially with those who often go without. Lord Hear Us
All: Lord Hear Our Prayer
God of Courage and Hope,
Through Jesus, you gave us an example of how to be people of God, sharing the Good News through our actions and words. As we grow closer to you and deepen our relationship, may your strength and love empower us to be examples in our school and community of love and forgiveness, slow to anger and quick to help. Lord Hear Us
All: Lord Hear Our Prayer
Kind regards,
Kate Hart
RE Leader