

Did you know that you don’t need devices to code? Students in Prep and JLA have been exploring different ways to code without using devices. This is called Unplugged Coding. They have explored loops, story sequencing, beebot robots and functions mats. They are beginning to understand that algorithms are like sentences you can read and that if you encounter a problem, it’s called a bug!  



WOW!! 16 languages other than English are spoken by families in MLA. Students have explored other ways we say, ‘Welcome’ and delved into the story of 'Welcome to Country' and the Wurundjeri people of Melbourne. They will soon create an Art Piece from the text towards the end of this term.  




Students have been exploring the concept of ‘dadirri’ pronounced ‘da-did-ee', an indigenous 

word for deep listening and quiet still awareness. They have recently completed an assignment on Rivers to understand how they form and move, and this week will start designing their own model. We hope to create a dadirri space at school somewhere on the Adventure Yard.  

Dadirri recognises the deep spring that is inside us. We call on it and it calls to us.  

If you have a chance, watch the link below to see our inspiration. 

DADIRRI (Official Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr Video) :: 3 minute promo (   





This is a function mat.
Deconstructing Lego
Using bee bots.
Story sequencing using The Ugly Duckling.
This is an algorithm that uses arrows to code.
This is a function mat.
Deconstructing Lego
Using bee bots.
Story sequencing using The Ugly Duckling.
This is an algorithm that uses arrows to code.
'Wominjeka' means welcome in our First Nations language.
'Wominjeka' means welcome in our First Nations language.