Middle School

Middle School Cross Country Ski Day (Year 8 & 9)

Do you like the snow? Never been but would like to try? Like to try cross-country skiing? Year 8 & 9 students are invited participate in a 1 day cross-country ski trip to Lake Mountain on Thursday 1 August


No prior experience is required. The cost for the trip is $160, which includes transport, resort entry, ski hire, lessons from two qualified staff members and a guided tour of the trails at Lake Mountain. The trip will be run Ross McKinnon, an experienced EHS Outdoor Education teacher (who is also a past member of the Lake Mountain Ski Patrol). Detailed information, including gear lists, consent form and other relevant documentation will be available in hard copy from the Middle School Office from Monday 17 June. 


Consent and medical forms need to be returned to the Middle School Office by the end of the school day on Thursday 27 June. On that evening there will be a ballot to choose the 32 students who will be offered a place on this trip. Parents and students will be notified by the end of the day on Friday 28 June if they have secured a place. There are only 32 places available, plus another 10 who will be on the ‘wait list’. To secure their place on this trip families need to complete payment on Compass by midnight on Tuesday 16 July


Places will be allocated to the first 32 names drawn in the ballot. The next 10 names drawn will go on the wait list. If the event needs to be cancelled due to weather or insufficient snow, a full refund will be available. Please contact Ross McKinnon (ross.mckinnon@education.vic.gov.au) in the Middle School Office if you require any further information.   

ROSS MCKINNON, Middle School Team Leader