Junior School

Junior School News

A huge thank you to all families for their efforts in supporting the Year 7 Camp - we've had a wonderful response! Students are already starting to plan for their two day adventure.


Bookings for the screening of the 2040 Documentary that will take place on 26 June at 6:30pm are now open here:



There is no cost for this event and families are welcome to bring younger members of the family.


The event may book out so get in quick to ensure that you have a seat! 


At the conclusion of the screening we will have an opportunity to discuss any questions families might have about the Year 7 Camp Experience. The Q&A session will be recorded for any families who are unable to attend the Movie Night.


This documentary will launch our Term 3 focus on Sustainability which includes our Edendale Excursion and the Year 7 City Experience. 


The Edendale Farm excursion which has just been published to Compass, is a full day of workshops that will run at the Centre by the education support team there. The focus of the workshops is on how we can make big differences to our footprint by making small changes to our lives. The workshops set the students up to engage in their Acting Green Common Assessment Task for Integrated Studies.

MELISSA HUGHES, Junior School Team Leader