Interschool Sport Term 2

Dear families,
This term, students in Years 4-6 will be participating in Interschool Sports (ISS). Students have been advised of their sports (AFL, soccer, netball or bat tennis) and have had some time practising these sports at school.
For ‘away’ games, students will be picked up at approximately 12 pm and return to school at approximately 2:10 pm. Students will have the opportunity to eat lunch when they return to school. If your child orders a lunch order on this day, it will be waiting for them when they return to school.
Students are asked to wear full sports uniforms to all Interschool Sports games.
Students have been given a copy of the Student Interschool Sport Code of Conduct for you to discuss with your child and return signed before the first match.
Please find below a copy of the schedule and locations for ISS for this term.
We look forward to a great season of sport.
Kind regards,
Rudy Vail
Term 2 2024 Interschool Sport Schedule
If your child is affected by asthma, please ensure that their medication is carried with them on the day.