Gardening Club News

During the week we planted kunzea, sweet bursaria, common appleberry, hardenbergia, kangaroo apple, sticky everlasting, indigofera australis. These species have been chosen for their high value in providing food source and habitat for insects.
We also have epacris, brachyschome, running postman, poa, hoary sunray, hop goodenia.
Last week we planted some ruby saltbush which will spread over the rocks providing habitat and berries for skinks.
We have a layer of leaf litter, gathered from around the schoolgrounds to enrich the soil and provide shelter for various insects as well as skinks, and will add rocks and logs to further enhance the habitat.
We will monitor this area to learn about and record the species as the biodiversity increases. yippee!
This space will provide valuable learning opportunities for our students and inspire them to learn more about our indigenous flora and fauna.
She indigenous garden will have the added benefit of attracting pollinators and predatory insects to our vegetable garden