Principal's News


Dear Parents & Parishioners,


Every year I am amazed by the number of grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, parents and friends that make the effort to attend OHR’s Grandparents & Special Friends’ Day.  This year was no exception.  There was little room left in the church last Friday morning as family members huddled closely together where, as mentioned in the introduction to the mass, the sense of love and warmth in the room was simply palpable.  For the children, this is one of the most important days on the school calendar, as they are so proud to show their guests around their place of learning. 


The morning tea in the hall holds a proud tradition and is certainly welcomed by first time guests through to those that have been attending this day for more than a decade.   I would like to recognise the great contribution of Angela and Julius Southwood who worked behind the scenes in coordinating  the morning tea in the hall.  On behalf of the entire OHR community we thank this wonderful couple and the parents who assisted with the hall set up and pack up.  A good number of parent volunteers were on hand during the morning to assist.

For those that did not make it to the hall, the students in the OHR choir sang Shallows from the film A Star is Born.  To put it simply, the students performed brilliantly for our audience, where they literallty lifted the roof off the hall.  The staff and parents felt incredibly proud.  Thank you to Mr Jon Bode (Performing Arts teacher), who prepared the students for this performance.  We had students from Year 1 through to Year 6 performing.


Can't wait for next year's celebration of Grandparents & Special Friends' Day!

National Reconciliation Week

We began National Reconciliation Week at OHR with Ms Dening's Year 1/2 class leading Monday's assembly with a prayer session around the theme of reconciliation.  During my address, I spoke of the rich contributions Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples have made to our culture and the important lessons we have learned from them about caring for the land.  The following video was also shared during the assembly, as it explains why it is important to recognise National Reconciliation Week.

Borrondarra Library Service: Wurundjeri Storytime

This Reconciliation Week you are welcome to join the Wurundjeri Storytime this Friday 31 with Rebecca Axford.  Rebecca is offering an online session to explore Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung language.

10.00am - 10.30am early years

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 493 315 062 521Passcode: EsvbXw

Download Teams | Join on the web

Families that don’t attend the service are welcome to register and watch from home.

PFA Sponsored Sensory Garden

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  I think the following images capture how well the new sensory  garden has been received by our students.

New Shade Sail

Recently the shade sails were assessed and it was determined that the sail covering the Junior fixed play equipment was approaching the end of life.  Consequently, a new shade sail was measured and ordered.  Yesterday the sail was installed.  As you can see, it is no longer the patch-work quilt that the former one resembled.


Free Coffee & Feedback Session this Wednesday

Curious?  Then jump ahead to the Learning & Teaching page to find out more.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)

The NCCD is an annual collection of information about Australian school students with disability. The NCCD enables schools, education authorities and governments to better understand the needs of students with disability and how they can be best supported at school.  The definition of ‘students with disability’ applies broadly to any student who has received adjustments over 10 weeks within a 12-month period.

Information pertaining to the NCCD can be found in today’s Newsletter under the Learning Diversity page.

Semester One Reports & Parent Teacher Conferences

Semester One Reports will go live on Monday 24 June.  Instructions for accessing the reports will be communicated closer to the time.

Due to the fact that a number of classroom teachers will be away on Long Service Leave during the last week of Term 2, the Parent Teacher Conferences will be held early next term on Thursday 25 July.

School Closure Day

Our next school closure day for staff professional learning will take place next Friday 7 June, which immediately preceeds the King's Birthday long weekend.  The staffs from our three parish schools will gather together at OLGC where the focus will be on Religious Education.


Wishing everyone a great weekend,

Frank Dame