School Council 

School Council Report

School Council met this week and here is a brief outline of some topics we discussed:


  • Continued strong focus on ensuring privacy of students, staff and families.  Multi-factor authentication for SENTRAL to be introduced in the coming weeks.
  • Strong focus on mental health with some great new initiatives proposed.
  • Child safety is paramount, and the school continuously monitors processes, practices, and adjusts as appropriate.  An example is the proposed installation of signage on the school gates reinforcing that school is closed to members of the community during the school day unless they are on school related business.
  • The recent pupil free day focused on the new literacy program (the Writer's Workshop model) and its implementation across the school, with teachers visiting other schools already using it.
  • Ongoing professional development initiatives for our teaching staff.
  • Ducan and the principal team's attendance at the recent Principal Conference on valuable topics such as elevating student engagement, wellbeing and learning.
  • Acknowledging our exceptional education support staff (Admin team, librarians, maintenance staff, IT staff, integration aides and wellbeing staff)
  • Continued upgrades of the school grounds and buildings.
  • Continued monitoring of traffic safety around the school, with local Council input.  We anticipate some changes to the signage and road markings at the Adina Street/Lantana Street entrance.

Silvia Vogel

School Council Vice President