Year 3/4 Term 1 Overview

Term 1 Year 3/4 Overview       

Welcome to the beginning of the 2024 school year at St John's. A particularly warm welcome to Trent and Victor (3/4B) and their families, who are joining our school community this year. 

This year our year 3/4 teaching team consists of Marisa Box and Rebecca Stuart. Our wonderful Learning Support Officers are Julie Carroll and Sarah Gole in 3/4A, and Louise Farrell and Prue Forer in 3/4B. Melinda Kerwin works with students across both classes. Please remember that hats and sunscreen are to be worn in term 1 and there is a strict ‘No Hat No Play’ policy for all students in the school. 

Religious Education

This term we are learning what courage looks like in our lives. We will examine scripture through imaginative prayer and Godly play, focusing on Noah and the Flood in which Noah demonstrates great courage and faith. We will be analysing scripture and Gospel stories that focus on Mary and the role she plays in Jesus and our own lives.  As Easter approaches, will explore the events surrounding the Season of Lent, including the stations of the cross.

For the Year 4 students and their families, there will be a Eucharist parent meeting on Wednesday, 20 March, at 7pm in the Coghlan Centre.


In Number and Algebra, we will be focusing on place value and the processes of addition and subtraction. We will then move on to a unit on measurement, specifically investigating time. To finish off the term students will look at 2D shapes and their associated properties. We will be using the pedagogical framework of Launch, Explore, Summarise, in which students will be encouraged to be independent problem solvers and verbalise their thinking processes throughout each lesson.


Narrative and Persuasive Writing

Students will read, explore and write a range of text types including arguments, discussions and advertisements, as part of our unit on persuasive texts. Students will also learn the features of narrative text types and plan, draft and write their own entertaining narrative this term. They will continue to develop their literal and inferential comprehension skills by reading and viewing a variety of stories and texts in small focus groups. 

Social & Emotional Learning

This term in SEL, students will be learning about the behaviour expectations of the new Positive  Behaviour Matrix (PBL), developed at the school. This includes teaching and modelling positive behaviour in class, when moving to a different room, going to the toilet, during meditation and during our play breaks. On Monday, 25 March, we will celebrate Harmony Day, reflecting on the ways we can live in harmony with each other, within our community, regardless of their background or circumstances.


The focus in Inquiry this term is Geography. Students will research the location of Australia’s neighbouring countries and the diverse characteristics of these places. Our Geography unit is titled ‘Courage is Key’ and we will investigate how courage and connection build harmony for Australia and its' neighbouring cultures.

Physical Education

This term students will focus on the fundamental skills of throwing and catching, as well as participate in a variety of games with a focus on good sportsmanship and teamwork. Students will be involved in practising for the school Twilight Sports on Monday March 4. They will also have the opportunity to participate in the District Swimming competition on February 28. 

Home Learning

At St John’s School we believe that home learning should be encouraged as it assists students by complementing and reinforcing school learning, fosters lifelong learning and promotes organisational and independent learning skills. Home learning will start shortly with nightly reading and spelling practice. Mathletics tasks will be assigned to each student also.


Please see the timetable below for specialist lessons. Students will be required to wear their sport uniform on Tuesday and Thursday. Students will also need to bring in their library bag and books on Tuesday.


(Sports Uniform)



Sport session - taken in year 3 and 4 levels. 





PE skills based lesson- 3/4A & 3/4B


Performing Arts- 3/4A & 3/4B


Chinese 3/4A & 3/4B


Visual Arts

3/4A & B


Important dates to remember

Monday 19 February - School Photos

Tuesday 15 February - Curriculum Information Evening 7pm

Monday 4 March - Twilight Sports 

Wednesday 13 March (week 7) - NAPLAN begins


If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us,


Marisa Box

Rebecca Stuart