


Welcome Back to all our children and families for 2024 and a warm welcome to our new families.

My name is Liz and I provide Wellbeing Support to our children and families in our St Bernards School Community.

I am both a Primary School Teacher and Social Worker, and I have worked extensively with children and families.

My work days are Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs and I can be found in the Foundation building.


A few thoughts on return to school anxiety:-

This is a 'normal' feeling for both children and adults with the commencement of something new- transitions require thoughtful planning, time and patience.


It is important to talk with your children about the changes, provide reassurance and familiarity with their new teacher, classmates and environment.


Some children may take longer than others to resettle and require you to drive or walk them into school more than last year- others will take it in their stride.


A new year provides a good opportunity to build resilience in your children and strongly praise the positives as they adjust to the new changes.


Routines, Routines- The most important aspect of adjusting comfortably to change. 

We are all adjusting from holiday layback time and getting back to more structure and routine with the start of the school year.


 It will greatly benefit your child and family if you can maintain a consistent morning routine for a good start in the morning in readiness for school.


Try to involve your children in the planning of both morning and after school  routines as this will help them also 'own'  and take more responsibility for  what happens at home and assist in developing positive organizational habits - also don't forget about the importance of a good sleep routine,  perhaps less screen time and healthy nutrition.


Wishing you all a happy and positive start to the New Year

See below for a fun idea that may help some of our children if they are struggling with separation anxiety in the morning


Warm Regards

Liz Nelson

Wellbeing Support