Discovery Centre


Selamat siang, 


It has been a wonderful week in Foundation watching and guiding our students to navigate through their first week of school. Students have enjoyed play opportunities to build new friendships and it has been most enjoyable listening to conversations finishing with, 'This is my new friend.' Students have also used creativity during reading and writing sessions, using craft, drawing, colouring and water painting to respond to texts. 'Maths is fun' has been the catch phrase and students loved playing games and following the 'Number of the Day'! 


A few classroom reminders;

Please name all items including lunch boxes, hats, jumpers and shoes. If items are named, they will more than likely be returned to you.

Lunch and snack breaks- as the days are longer and work and play grows more intense, students are often more hungry throughout the day. Have a chat with your child to check if they need more food to sustain their energy.

Orange folders will be sent home today.  Digital technology agreements will be in the orange folders this week and will need to be signed and returned by the end of week 3.


Thank you families for supporting your little ones this week. They are a true joy and we are looking forward to fantastic year ahead.


Have a wonderful week, 

Cassie, Tegan and Emma



  • Foundation Parent-Teacher Interview Bookings are open and accessible via Sentral. 
  • Parent Helper Session - Friday 16th February at 9:00am

Pupil of the week

FC- Jade O

For demonstrating zest and creativity during her first week of school. Thank you Jade for bringing positivity and kindness to FC in your first week of school.


FE- Vihaan S

For demonstrating kindness and teamwork when making new friends in FE! Keep up the amazing effort Vihaan!


FT- Olivia M

For demonstrating kindness in your first week of school. Thank you for being inclusive and looking after those around you. Keep it up!