Inquiry Centre


Selamat Siang families.

We have had a fantastic Week 2 in the Inquiry Centre. This week we have been learning all about patterns in Maths. Students have loved exploring all of our classroom resources to make different types of patterns. We have also begun our kitchen/garden program by spending some time exploring the garden. 


We hope you have had a great week,

Mrs Seadon, Kate, Emma, Suzie, Miss Emmett, Miss Shaye and Amanda

Student Voice

  • “I like doing SRC speeches”- Maisie P 
  • “We got to learn about the human body in Science!” - Elsie M 
  • “I liked reading about a chicken named Popcorn” - Reynold T
  • “We got to bounce tennis balls in sport.” - Zakia F 



  • Please make sure your child brings a hat to school in Term 1. 
  • If you could send in a box of tissues with your child that would be appreciated. These get used throughout the year by their class. 
  • Students are particularly hungry during the first few weeks of school. Please send some additional fruit/healthy snacks for them to enjoy during the day. 
  • Please check Sentral to give permission for photos and other important information. 


Pupil of the Week -


1/2A: Alexander S

For displaying a love of learning when finding and making patterns in Maths.  


1/2M: Billie L

For demonstrating a love of learning when writing your SRC speech. You included so much detail. 


1/2S: Nandipha M

For settling into school so well and giving an amazing SRC speech. 


1/2KS: Deon M

For displaying the school value of responsibility and being a great role model in the class. 


1/2E: Olivia M

For demonstrating a love of learning when participating in Maths this week.