Principal's Message

Term 1 Week 2

Cyber Safety - Parent/Carer Information Night

We understand that all parents and carers are interested in learning about keeping their children safe on line. We have worked with the Cybersafety Project over the last couple years and their information sessions for students are informative and instructive for both staff and students 

Parent Reps

We are looking for parent reps for our classes from Year 1- 6. 

Parents Reps provide a social point of connection and contact for families at an individual class level. Class Parent Reps communicate with families regularly and organise social outings and playdates throughout the year. If you are interested in being a parent rep please let your child's teacher know.

The assistance given by parents is greatly appreciated by staff and certainly benefits your children. Once we have all the Parent Reps class contact lists will be organised. Talk to your child’s teacher or Kim, Erin and/or Mr Shaw if you feel that you can assist the school in any way. 

Senior Information Night

We are looking forward to our upcoming Senior Information Night on Wednesday 14th of February. If you have any specific questions or content you'd like to hear more about, please fill in the Google Form below so that we can best prepare for the night!

Parent/Carers Meet and Greets

This week saw the Foundation parents/carers meet up after school assembly. The Year 1/2 carers/parents will have the opportunity to meet each other after next Monday’s (12/02) assembly with the 3/4s and 5/6s meeting on Monday 19th at 3:30pm. These are wonderful opportunities for parents/ carers, particularly those that are new to the school to meet other families from the same year level. There will be other community events held this term where families can continue to meet with each other and strengthen connections.

Lunchtime Clubs - Term One

It is important to staff at MPRPS that students feel engaged and happy during the whole school day. Lunchtime clubs run during the week to ensure students have more options on how they spend their time at recess and lunch, as well as assist them to learn and practise new skills and interests. Lunchtime clubs change each term with a timetable available at the beginning of each term (please see the Term 1 timetable below). Teachers will talk further with their students about the clubs available and where they will be held this term.

Some of these include:

3/4 & 5/6 Dance Troupe


Board Games

Running club (before school)

Senior and Junior choir

Online Music Solutions

Online Music Solutions visited our school on Monday at school assembly to showcase the range of musical instruments on offer that students can learn. It’s great to see that music lessons have started this week with many eager students in attendance. Please see the information on the advertisements page of this newsletter if you are interested in enrolling your child.