OSHClub News

Welcome to Term 1 2024. It is great to see all the happy faces back in the school premises. During the first 2 weeks children have been busy working on All About Me posters to help us know them better. Our master chefs are back in their role in the mornings cooking special breakfasts every morning. Our new little angels (Preps) have settled really well with the help of their buddies at the OSHClub. Gaga ball has been the most popular outdoor activity this fortnight.



Introduction of the Program Coordinator: Jagruti Shah 

Hi everyone,

I am Jagruti Shah, Program Coordinator for Mount Pleasant Road OSHClub. I am from India where I was the Primary School Principal for the last 10 years of my tenure before coming to Australia in 2010. I have been with the OSHClub for 13+ years and in this industry altogether for 30 + years here and overseas. Feel free to say hello and   introduce yourselves.


It is Party time


Join us to say Goodbye to our beloved Jane Evans by attending our After School session on 16th February 2024, Friday.






Sun Smart Policy

As the weather warms up, our afternoon program begins to move outdoors more often.  As school hats generally need to be kept in classroom tubs, please make sure your child has a spare sun smart hat for OSHClub in their school bag. We have Cancer Council and Coles sunscreen on hand but children are welcome to bring their own if they wish. Hats and sunscreen will be worn when the UV rating is at 3 or above. 


Drop off/Pick up 

Parents/ guardians are required to sign children in for Rise and Shine sessions and sign children out of Stay and Play sessions using the service iPad. Please ensure you are coming to the room when dropping your children to Rise then Shine or holiday program. Please do not let them walk by themselves. 


Enrolling Your Child

For new enrolments, please go to https://www.oshclub.com.au/register/

A helpful video for navigating the iParent Portal and completing the enrolment process can be found on this page.

Please note: CRN numbers and all birth dates must be entered correctly if you wish to claim the Child Care Subsidy. CCS applications are submitted automatically to Centrelink when new enrolments are actioned. 


Cancellation of Bookings

IMPORTANT: If your child is booked in for an afternoon Stay and Play session and that booking is no longer required, please cancel the booking on the iParent Portal. If you are cancelling on the day, please contact us on the program phone before 3:15pm. 

We are responsible for all children booked into our care. If a child does not arrive at after school care when booked in to attend, we will need to confirm the whereabouts of the child by contacting parents/guardians and emergency contacts. If we cannot successfully do this, it then becomes a missing child incident. 

As you can imagine, this can be very stressful! 

Thanks for your cooperation by notifying us of any Stay and Play absences and please ensure your contact details are up to date.


Program Coordinator: Jagruti Shah

Permanent Educator: Leyla Enayati

OSHClub Program Phone: 0427 144 945

Email: mountpleasantroad@oshclub.com.au

OSHClub Head Office: 1300 395 735