ECPN New Year Party
ECPN New Year Party
The first week in January saw another successful ECPN New Year party at Hard Rock Café in Prague. It was great to see some 250 ECP graduates, ranging from 1998 to 2023, enjoying themselves together with some of their former teachers.
It’s hard to believe that our first ECPN New Year event was in 2016. Held in Bar Nota on Štěpánská, with over seventy graduates attending, it was a great success and it was quickly agreed that a New Year party should become a regular fixture in the ECP calendar.
První týden v lednu se v pražském Hard Rock Café odehrál další úspěšný novoroční večírek sítě ECPN. Bylo skvělé vidět přibližně 250 absolventů ECP z let 1998 - 2023, jak se baví společně s některými ze svých bývalých učitelů.
Je těžké uvěřit, že naše první novoroční akce ECPN se konala v roce 2016. Uskutečnila se v Baru Nota na Štěpánské ulici a zúčastnilo se jí přes sedmdesát absolventů. Měla velký úspěch a všichni se rychle shodli, že novoroční večírek pro absolventy by se měl stát pravidelnou součástí kalendáře ECP.
Our Chairman of Governors at the time, Baroness Rawlings, sent us a message to mark the event. She said:
Former students of the English College in Prague can be found all over the world. Many are still in the Czech Republic, but others are as far away as Australia, America, Vietnam and China. Amongst them are artists, designers, academics, musicians, doctors, solicitors, businessmen and women, scientists, charity campaigners and diplomats - many different professions, but the common bond they all share is the solid foundation of an ECP education.
That is why the English College is aiming to create a network for the wider ECP community. Social media has made it easier than ever before to contact friends and colleagues and we know that you are very good at keeping in touch with your own year groups. But the aim of the ECPN is to provide a way for everyone who has been part of the ECP family to keep in touch, providing a link between the College, its alumni and their parents and former and current members of staff. We hope that by broadening and strengthening these links, we will in turn strengthen the English College so it can continue to fulfil and expand its mission of educating the next generation of young people in Prague.
Since 2016, another 496 students have graduated from the English College and what started off as a modest inaugural gathering in Bar Nota has grown into one of the biggest events in the ECP calendar. Not only does it cater for recent graduates who are still at home from university after Christmas and older graduates who live in Prague, but by holding it at roughly the same time every year, our alumni always know that it is an annual event they can pencil in their diaries.
Naše tehdejší předsedkyně správní rady školy, baronka Rawlingsová, nám k této události poslala zprávu:
Absolventy Anglického gymnázia najdete po celém světě. Mnozí jsou stále v České republice, ale další působí i tak daleko, jako je Austrálie, Amerika, Vietnam a Čína. Jsou mezi nimi umělci, designéři, akademici, hudebníci, lékaři, právníci, podnikatelé a podnikatelky, vědci, charitativní aktivisté a diplomaté – mnoho různých profesí, ale společné pouto, které všichni sdílejí, je pevným základem vzdělání ECP.
To je důvod, proč Anglické gymnázium usiluje o vytvoření sítě pro širší komunitu ECP. Díky sociálním sítím je kontaktování přátel a kolegů snazší než kdykoli předtím a my víme, že jste velmi dobří v udržování kontaktu se svými vlastními ročníky. Ale cílem ECPN je poskytnout každému, kdo byl součástí rodiny ECP, způsob, jak zůstat v kontaktu a poskytnout spojení mezi školou, jejími absolventy a jejich rodiči i bývalými a současnými zaměstnanci. Doufáme, že rozšířením a posílením těchto vazeb posílíme ECP tak, aby mohla nadále naplňovat a rozšiřovat své poslání vzdělávat další generaci mladých lidí v Praze.
Od roku 2016 absolvovalo Anglické gymnázium dalších 496 studentů a to, co začalo jako skromné inaugurační setkání v Baru Nota, přerostlo v jednu z největších událostí v kalendáři ECP. Vychází vstříc čerstvým absolventům, kteří jsou po Vánocích ještě doma z univerzity, a starším absolventům, kteří žijí v Praze. Díky tomu, že je akce pořádána každý rok zhruba ve stejnou dobu, naši absolventi vždy vědí, že se jedná o každoroční akci, kterou mají mít ve svých diářích.
And as the New Year party has grown, so too has the ECPN as a supportive network, providing expert careers advice for current students. Amongst graduates already lined up for visits this Spring are Nika Kupyrova (2004) who is coming in to talk about her work as an award winning visual artist.
A jak se novoroční večírek rozrůstal, rostla také podpůrná síť ECPN, která současným studentům poskytuje odborné poradenství v oblasti kariéry. Mezi absolventy, kteří jsou již letos na jaře připraveni na návštěvu školy, je Nika Kupyrová (2004), která přichází pohovořit o své práci oceněné výtvarné umělkyně.
And the ECP choir has a treat in store when Patricie Fuxová (2010), lead singer in Vesna, comes in to pass on her tips for singing on stage. Patricie knows a thing or two about performing in front of large audiences. It is reported that the television audience for last year’s Eurovision song contest, when Vesna represented the Czech Republic, reached 162 million!
A sbor ECP se může těšit na lahůdku, a to návštěvu Patricie Fuxové (2010), hlavní zpěvačky kapely Vesna, která přijde předat své tipy ohledně zpívání na pódiu. Patricie ví své o vystupování před velkým publikem. Uvádí se, že televizní sledovanost loňského ročníku soutěže Eurovize, kde Vesna reprezentovala Českou republiku, dosáhla 162 milionů!
Graduates also offer us material help. We are very grateful to Karolína Mrozková (2010) who is generously donating thirty copies of the book Venture Deals: Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist for our IB Economics and Business Studies students. Karolína now works for Credo Ventures, a CEE-focused early stage venture capital fund, which supported the book's translation into Czech.
Absolventi nám nabízejí i materiální pomoc. Jsme velmi vděční Karolíně Mrozkové (2010), která štědře věnuje třicet výtisků knihy Venture Deals: Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist IB ekonomie and obchodu. Karolína nyní pracuje pro Credo Ventures, fond rizikového kapitálu pro střední a východní Evropu, který podpořil překlad této knihy do češtiny.
Putting something back has always been in our DNA at the ECP. We often remember the words of our first Chairman of Governors, Lord Holme, who set out these three Guiding Principles:
Revanšování se komunitě bylo vždy v naší DNA v ECP. Často si vzpomínáme na slova našeho prvního předsedy správní rady lorda Holma, který stanovil tyto tři hlavní principy:
1. Koncepce rozvoje celkového lidského potenciálu každého studenta. Genetická výbava dává každému z nás soubor schopností, talentů a dispozic a spolu s nimi i určité životní vyhlídky. Jednou z úloh vzdělávání je rozpoznat tento potenciál, pečovat o něj a rozvinout jej tak, aby každý student dosáhl svých maximálních možností.
2. Ideál komunity postavené na spolupráci. Škola je malou komunitou a měla by být prostoupena vzájemnou péčí a úctou. Každý student by měl do této společné pokladnice dobré vůle a pozitivní činnosti „vrátit“ alespoň tolik, koliksi vzal. Vzájemné jednání členů školní komunity by se mělo vyznačovat zájmem, ohleduplností a laskavostí.
3. Důležitost porozumění mezi národy. Nejen mezi Spojeným královstvím a Českou republikou s vazbami jazykovými, literárními a vzdělávacími, ale i prostřednictvím velké rodiny všech lidí, v níž množství společných problémů může být vyřešeno pouze společnými hodnotami a společnými činy. Vychováváme odpovědné a uvědomělé občany stále se zmenšujícího a čím dál více provázaného světa.
As we begin fundraising for more ECP scholarships to enable more young people of limited means to study at the English College, we surveyed our graduates to see how they thought we should do this.
An overwhelming majority supported fundraising for scholarships, either through a general ‘scholarships pot’ or for subject-related scholarships or for specific students and we have been encouraged by their willingness to get involved. Although we of course appreciate that not all graduates will be in a position to make a contribution, we will be encouraging those who can to ‘put something back’ especially those who themselves benefited from financial support from the College when they were at school. At the moment, the College sets aside around 7% of its income to fund scholarships and bursaries, which we hope to increase to 10% in the future.
Začínáme s projektem fundraisingu pro další stipendia ECP, abychom umožnili dalším mladým lidem s omezenými prostředky studovat na Anglickém gymnáziu. Provedli jsme průzkum mezi našimi absolventy, abychom zjistili, jak si myslí, že bychom to měli udělat.
Převážná většina podporovala získávání finančních prostředků na stipendia, buď prostřednictvím obecného balíku na stipendia nebo na předmětová stipendia či pro konkrétní studenty a byli jsme povzbuzeni jejich ochotou zapojit se. I když si samozřejmě jsme vědomi toho, že ne všichni absolventi budou schopni přispět, budeme povzbuzovat ty, kteří mohou, aby ECP komunitu podpořili, zejména ty, kteří sami čerpali finanční podporu od ECP, když zde studovali. V současné době ECP vyčleňuje přibližně 7 % svých příjmů na financování stipendií, které, jak doufáme, se v budoucnu zvýší na 10 %.
And if you would like to be one of our early contributors, you can donate via the international charity platform GlobalGiving to our very own ECP fundraising page, which we have called Changing Young Czech Lives.
We are very grateful to David Jehlička (2020) for allowing us to tell his story and to show how young Czech lives really can be changed by an ECP education.
A pokud byste se chtěli stát jedním z našich prvních přispěvatelů, můžete přispět prostřednictvím mezinárodní charitativní platformy GlobalGiving na naši vlastní fundraisingovou stránku ECP, kterou jsme nazvali Changing Young Czech Lives.
Jsme velmi vděční Davidovi Jehličkovi (2020) za to, že nám umožnil vyprávět jeho příběh a ukázat, jak lze životy mladých Čechů skutečně změnit prostřednictvím vzdělání v ECP.
This summer, it will be twenty years since the ECP Class of 2004 graduated and Jan Kocman is working on their very own reunion. So if you graduated in 2004 and are interested in getting together with your former classmates, you can contact Jan on to let him know.
Letos v létě to bude dvacet let od momentu, kdy absolventi z roku 2004 ukončili svá studia v ECP. Jan Kocman pracuje na přípravě třídního srazu. Pokud jste maturovali v roce 2004 a máte zájem setkat se se svými bývalými spolužáky, můžete Jana kontaktovat na adrese a dát mu vědět.
Our alumni work in many different fields. Karolína Svendová, now Wachter, who left the English College after IGCSEs and took the IB at another HMC school, St Julian’s School in Portugal, is making a name for herself in luxury retail and sales management and people development. She has just left Louis Vuitton to take up the position of Store Manager at Bulgari in Munich and there can’t be many more prestigious names in retail than Louis Vuitton and Bulgari.
Karolína went on to study Design Management at the Parsons School of Design in Paris and Applied Positive Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, as well as working for other luxury brands such as Christian Dior Couture and Swarovski.
She says: “Having spent over 13 years in luxury retail and sales management, I have extensive experience of and insight into the business and people development realities of the diverse luxury markets in Central Europe. I would encourage any ECP students who enjoy working with people and who are passionate about learning and supporting others to learn to consider a career in retail and sales management.”
Karolína pays tribute to the English College and her former teachers who she says shaped her future, in particular Marie Gault, Keith Smith and the Headmaster at the time, Albert Hudspeth. “I am forever grateful for my time at ECP, which will always have a special place in my heart!”
Naši absolventi pracují v mnoha různých oborech. Karolína Svendová, nyní Wachter, která po IGCSE opustila Anglické gymnázium a absolvovala IB na jiné škole HMC, St Julian’s School v Portugalsku, si dělá jméno v oblasti luxusního maloobchodu a řízení prodeje a rozvoje lidí. Právě odešla z Louis Vuitton, aby nastoupila na pozici Store Manager v Bulgari v Mnichově a v maloobchodě nemůže být mnoho prestižnějších jmen než Louis Vuitton a Bulgari.
Karolína pokračovala ve studiu Design Managementu na Parsons School of Design v Paříži a Aplikované pozitivní psychologie na Pensylvánské univerzitě a také pracovala pro další luxusní značky jako jsou Christian Dior Couture a Swarovski.
Karolína říká: „Vzhledem k tomu, že jsem strávila více než 13 let v oblasti luxusního maloobchodu a řízení prodeje, mám rozsáhlé zkušenosti a přehled o realitě podnikání a rozvoje lidí na různých trzích s luxusním zbožím ve střední Evropě. Chtěla bych povzbudit všechny studenty ECP, kteří rádi pracují s lidmi a kteří jsou nadšení něco se naučit a podpořit ostatní, aby se zauvažovali o kariéře v oblasti maloobchodního a prodejního managementu.
Karolína vzdává hold ECP a svým bývalým učitelům, kteří podle ní utvořili její budoucnost, zejména Marii Gault, Keithu Smithovi a tehdejšímu řediteli Albertu Hudspethovi. „Jsem navždy vděčná za čas strávený v ECP, který bude mít vždy speciální místo v mém srdci!"
Emmaline left ECP in 2012, heading for the University of Edinburgh where she gained first a BSc in Biochemistry, followed by an MSc in Structural and Molecular Biology and she is now at the University of Bristol where she is a Wellcome Trust PhD Researcher.
She is obviously going to be a great science communicator as she has recently won the 2023 People's Choice Award at the annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition 2023 at Bristol, presenting Fighting an Ancient Foe. Emmaline said: “Competing at 3MT 2023 was a truly rewarding and enjoyable experience, where I was given the challenge of presenting my research topic within 180 seconds and I highly recommend it to all PhD students.”
Emmaline ukončila studium v ECP v roce 2012 a zamířila na University of Edinburgh, kde získala nejprve bakalářský titul v biochemii, poté magisterský titul v oboru strukturální a molekulární biologie a nyní působí na University of Bristol jako výzkumná pracovnice Wellcome Trust PhD.
Zjevně z ní bude skvělá vědecká komunikátorka, protože nedávno vyhrála cenu People's Choice Award 2023 na výroční soutěži Three Minute Thesis (3MT) 2023 v Bristolu s prezentací Fighting an Ancient Foe. Emmaline řekla: „Soutěž na 3MT 2023 byla opravdu obohacující a příjemná zkušenost. Dostala jsem výzvu prezentovat své výzkumné téma do 180 sekund a vřele to doporučuji všem doktorandům.“
ECP staff, alumni and many current students will remember Martin Straka as the best swimmer the English College has produced and to prove it, he has just qualified for this summer’s Paris Olympics.
In the World Championships in Doha recently, long-distance swimmer Martin put in an impressive performance, coming 17th in the 10km race, only 37 seconds behind the winner, World Champion Kristof Raszovsky of Hungary.
Martin’s former sports teacher, Vladimír Gavriněv, says: “Can you imagine how a Maths teacher must feel if one of their students gets nominated for the Nobel Prize in Mathematics? If you can, then you can also imagine how I, as Martin Straka's former PE teacher, feels now that he has been selected for this year's Olympic Games in Paris? Yes, I feel enormous joy and pride, which is most certainly shared with the whole of the ECP community.”
Zaměstnanci, absolventi a mnozí současní studenti ECP budou na Martina Straku vzpomínat jako na nejlepšího plavce, kterého Anglické gymnázium mělo, což potvrzuje to, že se právě kvalifikoval na letošní letní olympijské hry v Paříži.
Na mistrovství světa v Dauhá nedávno předvedl Martin působivý výkon dálkového plavce, když v závodě na 10 km skončil 17., jen 37 sekund za vítězem, mistrem světa Kristofem Raszovskym z Maďarska.
Martinův bývalý učitel tělesné výchovy Vladimír Gavriněv říká: „Dovedete si představit, jak se musí cítit učitel matematiky, když je některý z jeho studentů nominován na Nobelovu cenu za matematiku? Pokud ano, pak si také dovedete představit, jak se já jako bývalý učitel tělesné výchovy Martina Straky cítím nyní, když byl vybrán na letošní olympijské hry v Paříži! Ano, cítím obrovskou radost a hrdost, kterou zcela jistě sdílí celá komunita ECP.“
Another ECP graduate who has just won a popular vote is Tomáš Nepala. He is studying Economics at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania after leaving the ECP in 2022.
Tomáš recently took part in the Wharton Venture Lab Startup Pitch Competition, where he and his fellow student, A. Tunga Bayrak, presented their generative AI concept for personalised education. Tomáš reflected: “Securing first place in the audience vote was a fantastic way to conclude the semester. We are excited about making further progress, learning extensively from our own experiences as well as from the advice of successful founders and mentors. We welcome feedback or guidance from anyone interested in being part of this journey!”
Dalším absolventem ECP, který právě vyhrál divácké hlasování, je Tomáš Nepala. Po odchodu z ECP od roku 2022 studuje ekonomii na Wharton School na University of Pennsylvania.
Tomáš se nedávno zúčastnil soutěže Wharton Venture Lab Startup Pitch Competition, kde se svým spolužákem A. Tungou Bayrakem představili svůj generativní koncept AI pro personalizované vzdělávání. Tomáš řekl: „Zajistit si první místo v diváckém hlasování byl fantastický způsob, jak ukončit semestr. Jsme nadšeni z dalšího pokroku, hodně se učíme z vlastních zkušeností i z rad úspěšných zakladatelů a mentorů. Uvítáme zpětnou vazbu nebo radu od každého, kdo má zájem být součástí této cesty!“
Olga may only have graduated from the ECP in 2022, but she has managed to fit a lot into her first year as a BSc Honours student at the University of Maastricht, where she is studying Biomedical Sciences.
She has described her year in numbers like this:
And in the 46 years of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences at Maastricht University Olga has become the first English-speaking Faculty Councillor.
Olga sice absolvovala ECP teprve v roce 2022, ale dokázala hodně vměstnat do prvního ročníku studia svého bakalářského programu na Univerzitě v Maastrichtu, kde studuje biomedicínské vědy.
Svůj rok popsala v číslech takto:
A v 46ti leté historii Fakulty zdravotnictví, lékařství a přírodních věd Maastrichtské univerzity se Olga stala první anglicky mluvící fakultní radní.
Last summer’s IB results were our best ever and we wanted to share the good news with a wider audience.
And there’s no-one better to talk about the ECP than our students so we were very grateful to three of the Class of 2023 - Ema Pilná, Dmitry Cheremisin and Tomáš Vladyka - for contributing to an article about the ECP that appeared in Mladá Fronta Dnes and Hospodářské noviny.
Ema was one of our record three students who achieved the maximum score of 45 at IB and who is now studying International Business Administration at the Rotterdam School of Management. Dmitry is studying Economics at St John’s College, Cambridge and Tomáš is at the London School of Economics, studying Law.
Letošní výsledky zkoušek IB byly naše vůbec nejlepší a chtěli jsme se o dobré zprávy podělit s širším publikem.
Na ECP není nic lepšího než naši studenti, a proto jsme byli velmi vděčni třem ze třídy 2023 - Emě Pilné, Dmitrymu Cheremisinovi a Tomáši Vladykovi - za jejich příspěvky do článku o ECP, který vyšel v Mladé Frontě Dnes a v Hospodářských novinách.
Ema byla jedním z našich tří nejlepších studentů, kteří dosáhli maximálního skóre 45 z IB zkoušek. Nyní studuje International Business Administration na Rotterdam School of Management. Dmitry studuje ekonomii na St John’s College v Cambridge a Tomáš studuje právo na London School of Economics.
Our best ever IB results!
We are pleased to report on some fantastic outcomes for our IB students. In a year when IB results fell back to pre-pandemic levels, here at ECP we improved our scores to well above pre-pandemic levels. We are delighted to announce that the year 2023 proved to be ECP’s best year ever for IB results. Our 70 students achieved a record 37-point average.
Three ECP students achieved 45 points
From those 70 a record number of three achieved the maximum 45 points, which is a very exceptional result achieved only by less than 1% of all IB diploma candidates worldwide. 31 students (more than 44 %) scored 38 or more points. 38 points are usually the minimum entry requirement level for prestigious universities. In addition, 21 of our candidates (i.e. 30 %) scored 40 or more points, which is double the overall U.K. rate where most students are native English speakers. The year 2023 was also our best year yet for TOK results and for Extended Essay results. So very well done to the graduating class of 2023!
We also want to congratulate our teaching staff on the recent outstanding set of outcomes, as the last four years’ results are in the Top Five best ever IB scores in the College’s history.
University Destinations
We have had another excellent year when it comes to university destinations, with students opting for some outstanding universities. These include institutions, such as Cambridge, Imperial College London, London School of Economics, UCL, King’s College London, St Andrews, Trinity College Dublin, Leiden, University of Amsterdam, TU Delft, Sciences Po, Technical University of Munich, NYU, UBC, the University of Toronto and many other destinations.
Around 32 % of our students opted for Holland this year, making it the most popular destination for ECP students for the first time ever. In addition, 25% of students opted for the UK and 12% opted for other European destinations. These students will be attending some of the very best universities in both Britain and Europe. Finally, around 21% of students opted for Czech universities, with many attending institutions, such as Charles University. Four of our students were accepted to either Medicine or Veterinary Science in the Czech Republic.
The courses are also as diverse as ever. Students opted for Law, Engineering, Medicine, Architecture, the Sciences, Arts and all the Humanities. A huge best of luck to all our successful graduates in their future university careers!
Tomáš Vladyka
Law, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
I am currently a first-year student on the LLB programme at the London School of Economic, but if I had not chosen to study at the ECP, I would not be at such a prestigious university.
No amount of words can express the positive impact ECP had on me as a student and as an individual. Even before joining the English College, I was excited to be starting my studies there as I had heard from my siblings how enjoyable the school is, how passionate the teachers are about their classes and how friendly the students are.
Initially, I was nervous as I transitioned from a traditional Czech school. However, my worries quickly disappeared as every teacher ensured that I felt comfortable and welcomed. The teachers made their classes engaging and active, which sparked my interest in academia, setting me on the path to academic success. ECP pushed me to think analytically instead of focusing on memorisation. I always felt comfortable discussing academic subjects with my teachers after class, and these discussions only made me more eager to dive deeper into the things I was curious about.
I was never afraid to ask questions or to give my opinion because even if I was wrong, I knew I would not be judged, but instead guided to the correct answer by the teachers and my classmates.
These skills have been proving useful during my law school studies. Here at the LSE, I have realised that the English College helped me develop two essential qualities: how to be an independent student and also a team player.
Apart from discussing my academic interests with my teachers, I always knew that I could go to them for help. My tutor always showed me that the glass is half full and to this day, I recall her advice on overcoming life’s obstacles and her encouragement to always chase my dreams. Thus, I was not afraid to apply to my dream universities and to change my choice of university course even in the last year of the IB because I knew that every struggle would be met with support from the ECP.
It is safe to say that going to the English College in Prague was the best academic choice I have ever made. However, now that I have left school and can reflect on my six years there as a student, I can honestly say that the ECP was not just a school to me - it was my second home, where my academic and personal attributes only blossomed.
Ema Pilná
International Business Administration at the Rotterdam School of Management
I began my ECP journey in Year 3. It was a big change for me - not only was it my first time studying fully in English, but I also had to move to Prague on my own since it is not my hometown, which was quite challenging at the age of 15. Worries and stress were definitely high, but a close relationship with my former tutor and the overall warm welcome I received along with other new incoming students greatly helped ease the transition, which I am beyond thankful for.
Since then, my stay at ECP was diverse, full of highs and lows. Unsure of what to expect, I always felt supported and encouraged by the ECP staff. Although at times seriously challenging, ECP and the IB programme gave me irreplaceable experience and knowledge that not only helped me during the final exams, but are now aiding me in university.
I am currently studying International Business Administration at the Rotterdam School of Management of the Erasmus University. I always knew I wanted to study abroad, preferably at my favorite location - the Netherlands, which appears to be the most popular destination at the moment among other international students, and so far I must say, rightfully so.
ECP played a great role and offered us all a helping hand when it came to both choosing universities and getting accepted. Currently I am planning on doing an exchange in the third (last) year of my bachelor programme, possibly somewhere in Scandinavia. After finishing the IBA bachelor degree, I want to focus more on Event Management in Arts and Culture because besides academics, ECP taught me to pursue my personal interests and combine studies with my passions - in my case, organisation, arts and culture.
My special thanks go out to all the teachers who did an amazing job preparing me and my peers for the IB exams. The results speak for themselves. I also want to mention and applaud the Czech department, which managed to prepare us for the Maturita exams on top of the IB. Thank you for embedding a deep connection and adoration of Czech culture in me and my friends, which will forever make us thrilled to come back home.
Dmitry Cheremisin
Economics at St John’s College, the University of Cambridge
The English College in Prague has played a truly formative role in shaping who I am today, and it has done so across several domains in the following important ways.
Firstly, it has provided me with a superb learning environment that has allowed me to develop my skills and pursue my interests. To balance rigour and depth with curiosity, independent thinking and an enjoyable way of learning is no easy feat, and yet the English College succeeds at this astoundingly well. During my 5 years at ECP, I developed a myriad of indispensable skills including the ability to work hard, persevere in the face of difficulty, think critically about complex issues and remain a life-long learner; all of these have proven vital for me thus far at Cambridge University, and I am confident that they will continue to pay dividends throughout my life.
Secondly, ECP has had a profound impact on me as a human being. Going well beyond academic achievement alone, The English College has gifted me with deep, long-lasting friendships, happy memories to continue cherishing long after leaving the iconic blue doors, and a set of values and principles that I continue to apply on a daily basis in and outside of the classroom. Through trips, concerts, clubs, competitions and other events I was made part of a flourishing community of like-minded people, a member of which I remain even upon graduating and moving to a different country.
Many aspects make The English College in Prague the unique place of study that it is, from passionate teachers and a personalised approach to its rich history and diversity. It is incredibly inspiring to see so many teachers and members of staff have the best interests of every student at heart, working tirelessly to ensure the best possible experience and outcome for every individual, whatever that is to them. For me, this has meant a challenging, productive and exhilarating journey filled with self-improvement, achievement, laughter and high-quality relationships. Inevitably, the years I spent at ECP are a period of my life on which I will continue to look back with fondness and gratitude, as I cannot think of a better place to have been during this time.