P&C Update

Erin Williams - P&C President

We had our first P&C meeting of the year last Monday. Always a fascinating presentation by the Principal and Deputy Principals Mr Drew and Mr Bertrand – this month was about the improvements in academic outcomes, including our latest ATAR and leaving results of our class of 2023. We also had our local council member present, Steve Toomey. As always, he was happy to answer questions. Topics included bus services, the new 40 zone outside the school, and repair work on the footpath fence next to the school gate.


Our next meeting will have our School Librarian, Melanie Bowe telling us all about some very exciting innovations and activities happening in the library. It also includes our AGM, so if you have time on the second Monday of each month and want to know more about what goes on in the school, come along and be part of the P&C. 

Next P&C Meeting
Date: Monday 11 March 
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Library

Don’t forget to re-apply or newly apply for membership for the new year so you can vote and receive our communications using the button below.


Just a note on attending meetings. We often have parents and community passionate about issues that affect them and their child. These issues can be many and varied. However, the P&C meeting also needs to address certain requirements and we all want to be able to hear from everyone. To manage this, in 2024, we will be introducing a time limit for each item on the agenda, including new and general business. Please understand that we need to give time to the business of our P&C as well as broader or more personal issues and everyone attending will be expected to comply with the time limits and code of conduct for P&C meetings.

P&C Upcoming Events

23 FebruaryYear 7 Parent Gathering

Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Location: Q Block Atrium

Tickets: here

8 March

International Women’s Day Breakfast

Featuring guest speakers 

Australian of the Year Jonty Bush and

Basketball Captain Steph Collins

Time: 7:15 am - 8:30 am

Location: J.A. Robertson Hall

Tickets: here

8 MarchTrivia Night

Time: 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Location: J.A. Robertson Hall

Tickets: Coming Soon

11 March


Followed by a general P&C meeting

Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Location: Library

No need to RSVP

22 MarchTULA Concert

Time: 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Location: J.A. Robertson Hall

Tickets: Coming Soon