Deputy Principal

Mr Cameron Drew

Another great start to the year. We are almost halfway through the term and there has been a lot happening already. From the swimming carnival, Year 7 camp, Friendship Day, Music Camp (and more), all the way to the first-ever Elite Volleyball Camp - it has been a packed, but enjoyable, start to the year.


There have also been a number of parent information sessions. Year 7 Parent Night, Year 5/6 Programs of Excellence, Year 10 Parent and Student sessions, China Trip information, P&C meetings, and more. If you feel like you have missed something, reach out! I would also like to plug the P&C Year 7 Wine & Cheese evening for year 7 parents to get together and meet each other. As you embark on the six-year journey, it is important to have people in your life that you can share the successes and challenges with. Year 7 parents, put it in the diary now...Friday 23 February 6:00 pm start. Get your tickets online.


This week we also welcome our first study tour of the year. This sees a group of international students visit us for two weeks. It's amazing seeing the buddy students show our visitors our lifestyle and our amazing school. Please encourage your young one to interact with our visiting students when they can. Having a global perspective on life is important. 


As we enter the next phase of the term, it is important to remind our students that while it feels like the term is going fast, we still have a long way to go. Taking care of ourselves is important. Please take the time to remind your young one to schedule their week and ensure that they have a balance. Sleep, Food, and Fun all need to be in the mix as well as study, assignments, and work. Self-care starts with time management. If it is important - give time to it. If your young one needs support with this, remember we have services and supports available here at school - just reach out.


Finally, please remind your young person to keep an eye out for the various district sports opportunities that occur in Term 1. It is always a busy time for representative sport. Reach out to the HPE department if you need any information.