Year 2/3

Year 2/3 Cluster News Term 1 Week 1
Welcome to 2024!
I am excited to welcome you all into our learning space next week, and to spend time getting to know all the students in 2/3T this year.
Throughout week 1 we will be creating our shared class routines and procedures, thinking about the learner profile attributes and spending lots of time getting to know each other.
Please click on the following link to view the 2/3T Welcome video
Reminders for Week 1:
Opening Worship is Monday at 9:10am, there will be no Worship on Friday, Week 1. Assembly will start in Week 2.
Parent Information Night (PIN) will be held Wednesday evening in Week 2, on the 7th of February.
Uniform – Year 3s now have a formal uniform. Could they please wear this on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday this week. This may change heading into Week 2.
You all have hopefully received a letter which outlines what to do with your child’s stationery in preparation for this year.
Specialist lessons
We currently have specialist lessons across three days in our week. This may change, and any changes will be communicated in due course.
Art – Tuesday
PE and Japanese – Wednesday
Music – Friday
See you next week,
Brodie Trezona
Year 2/3 Teacher