Around the School

Start of Term Reminders
Years 1 - 6 commence classes on Monday 29 January.
We look forward to our Opening Service which will be held in the Worship Centre on Monday 29 January at 9.10am. Parents and caregivers are most welcome to attend as we commit the school year ahead of us and our learning community to prayer. This service will also include the blessing of our staff team and induction of our School Captains, Vice Captains and House Captains. It will a joy to gather and share this special time in the life of our school.
Foundation students will enjoy their small group visits over the course of Monday 29 January, Tuesday 30 January, Wednesday 31 January and Thursday 1 February. All of the Foundation students will then commence full days from Friday 2 February.
We will hold our first regular Chapel service for the year on Friday 9 February. Our year 6 co-ordinators in a range of areas will enjoy their induction and will receive their badges at this service,
Foundation students will attend assembly and chapel from week 5 of term onwards, to give them some time to learn and settle into school routines.
Parent Information Night will be held on Wednesday 7 February from 6.30pm - 8.00pm.
There will be a session with your child's class teacher from 6.30pm - 7.00pm, a combined session for all families in the Worship Centre from 7.00pm - 7.30pm and the classroom session will then be repeated from 7.30pm - 8.00pm for families who have a child in more than one cluster, or who would prefer to attend either the earlier or later session.
The evening will also include our P & F Welcome Evening with drinks and nibbles for our families. This will be a great opportunity to meet with or reconnect with other parents in your child's class as well as our staff members, members of our School Board and Parents & Friends Association, Class Carers and our church community.
Parent Lounge
We would like to welcome you to our new School Management System, TASS. The TASS Parent Lounge replaces our previous Edumate account and complements the items you can access on Toddle.
This platform will be available for you to access in Week 1. Once it has been released you will receive an email with login information, log in and explore the TASS Parent Lounge.
A simple overview of what can be accessed through TASS is below:
- Contact information – address, email and phone number
- Your child/ren’s medical information
- Attendance information – including the option to notify the School of your child/ren’s absences
- School calendar
Up to date contact Information
We are working to ensure that we have the most up to date contact information and medical details for families as addresses, phone numbers, emails, medical details, allergies, medications and the like can often change over the years.
Please log in to Parent Lounge to check that we have your current contact details and medical information as well a small amount of information that we are required by the government to collect and update relating to language spoken at home, occupation and education level. If you are able to login to Parent Lounge and check these details by Friday 2 February, it would be much appreciated.
Medical Information
You are also most welcome to contact our office staff to pass on prescribed medication (with a health plan advising how often to administer and your child’s medication clearly labelled with their name) to be administered to your child at school as required, including asthma puffers and any asthma management or health care plans that your child may have. We ask that all medication is handed in to the office at the commencement of the day, and not be kept in your child’s bag.
The uniform shop will continue to be available each day before and after school. If the shop is unattended, please ask at the office for assistance.
This year, families are also able to order and pay for uniform items online via the Qkr! app
All orders that are received before 10.00am will be placed in class trays and sent home with your child that afternoon. All orders received after 10.00am will be processed the following school day.
Please check that your child's uniform is of the highest standard and reflective of our uniform policy, particularly in terms of avoiding the wearing of jewellery.
Assembly and Chapel - Term 1
Assemblies will take place each Monday, commencing at 2.30pm in the Worship Centre, commencing in Week 2 (from Monday 5 February).
Chapel will take place each Friday, commencing at 8.50am in the Worship Centre, commencing in Week 2 (from Friday 9 February).
Opening Service will take place on Monday 29 January to commence the year from 9.10am in the Worship Centre.
Term 1 Uniform
With the commencement of Term 1, a reminder that the summer uniform is now to be worn - this also means hats must be worn for outdoor play.
The uniform shop is available before and after school each day. If unattended, please ask for assistance at the office.
Mobile Phones
A reminder that students are asked to keep mobile phones and other personal devices off and away for the duration of the school day. This helps to promote safe and positive classroom environments as well as student wellbeing, and is consistent with the majority of schools in South Australia. You are always most welcome to be in contact with our school office if you need to make contact with your child during school hours, and similarly we will always contact you directly as the need arises.
A friendly reminder also that dogs (much as we love them!) are typically not permitted on school grounds under the requirements of the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 (SA).