
Running the Race
The first week of a term is always one of my favourites with the school looking fresh with new Foundation classrooms on the way, our students and staff team coming back refreshed and looking forward to all of the possibilities that the new term offers, the children so thrilled to be able to to reconnect with one another, and our parents are in the courtyard so happy to see other parents and families!
As we begin our first week of term, we give thanks God to be able to gather together in a place that is so peaceful and joyful.
The message of 2 Timothy is a great comfort as we look forward to the term ahead and wonder what possibilities each day will hold. It encourages us to look to God who is enduringly faithful and reminds us that we are not alone as we are facing an uncertain future but are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses so that we can run our race with enduring faithfulness. Mrs Zadow spoke about this concept in one of our staff meetings earlier in the week as we gathered together in the morning before school. We love the joy that we can take in serving God and knowing he is with us through all of our excitements and uncertainties.
Will Wallace