From the Acting Head of College

Mr Charles Brauer


We have all experienced a deep sense of belonging. We have also experienced the absence of belonging. A Catholic Marist education creates intentional time and space for experiences of belonging to permeate our individual and collective experiences. Last Friday’s Year 5 Belonging Day was the intentional time and space. However, and more importantly, one of our new Year 5 students truly experienced ‘belonging’ before last Friday had even begun.


He was a little unsure. He was a little nervous. He was a little bit daunted. There was hesitation at the Moola Road drop-off. Then ‘an angel of the Lord appeared’!  One of our Year 12 students responded to this hesitation and approached this young man and his mum to help. Hesitation dissolved. Off they went together. Shoulder to shoulder they walked to class. A little bit of true belonging experienced by this young man. A little bit of belonging experienced by mum. The Belonging Day was off to an early start!


Our community experiences of this fortnight will take the form of information nights, AGMs, social functions, sideline coffees and grandstand cheers. There is obvious functionality to each of these forums. However, what may not be so obvious is how these forums have been constructed over time as a mechanisms to enable belonging experiences for all of our Marist Family. These forums provide voice and agency for key stakeholders within our community - our parents, our Old Boys, our community friends. I thank you for those who will lead the way in these forums, in both official and unofficial capacities. Thank you to those who will be present at these forums across the year. Most importantly, thank you for your commitment to ensuring there is a right and proper voice and agency for our Marist Family, which in turn, contributes to our collective sense of 'belonging'.


This week has already seen our Learning & Teaching program in full swing, with students well and truly underway in their class and study routines, Student Academic Monitoring (Years 8, 9 and 10) and NAPLAN preparatory processes for Years 5, 7 and 9. Each individual teacher, supported by our Academic Care Team, continues to focus their work on supporting each student to be their best. Please be sure to contact respective class teachers to raise relevant items for the best support of your son. Key contacts for support across multiple subject areas are our Curriculum Leaders Academic Care - Ms Kathryn Badini (Years 10 -12), Ms Jessica Turschwell (Years 7 -9) and Ms Jennifer Little (Years 5 & 6).


The AIC Ecumenical Service of last Thursday provided a wonderful opportunity for the eight member schools, their students leaders and college leaders to commence the year together. A highlight of the service was listening to the College Captains of each school present their reflections on the theme of 'growth'. Our College Captain Dom Forbes proudly shared the metaphor and imagery of the Three Violets of St Marcellin - Humility, Simplicity, and Modesty. The stories and imagery shared by other leaders affirmed the how our young people are so very proud of their schools and their connectedness to the AIC. This connectedness was personified over the weekend with the official commencement of AIC fixtures, where each of our students proudly represented our College. 


Congratulations to all our students, staff, parents and friends who represented the College over the weekend. A particular congratulations to our 1st Team representatives and our Captains - Will Nickelson (Cricket), Isaac Roach (AFL) and Finn McCahon (Volleyball). The matches I witnessed were well contested and well supported. The energy of AFL supporters on Friday night was impressive, inspiring our young men on the field. Our cricketers, along with their loyal and patient supporters, continue to cope with the summer heat as they work hard for each run and wicket. Whilst our volleyballers are finding their patterns of play on the court and swimmers engage in their Friday night swim meets in preparation for the AIC championships in Week 7.


Jersey Boys has been announced as our 2024 Marist Musical which will be a key feature of Term 2. This exciting addition to the College's Arts program has been well-received by our students, and those of neighbouring Mt St Michael's College and nearby Stuartholme School. Auditions have been completed with rehearsal currently underway where students share the stage in song, dance and theatre. Save the date for May 9, 10 and 11.


As College Captain Dom Forbes reminded us this past week, may we embrace the metaphor of our Three Violets - Humility, Simplicity, Modesty in creating a place of belonging for each other.


May our loving God with Mary our good mother and St Marcellin Champagnat walk with all members of the Marist College Ashgrove Family.

Year 5 Belonging Day
College Assembly - 1sts Teams Jersey Presentation
College Assembly - 1sts Teams Jersey Presentation
College Assembly - 1sts Teams Jersey Presentation
Round 1 Sport - AFL
Round 1 Sport - AFL
Round 1 Sport - Cricket
Round 1 Sport - Cricket
Round 1 Sport - Cricket
Round 1 Sport - Volleyball
Round 1 Sport - Volleyball
Round 1 Sport - Volleyball
Boarder Blitz
Boarder Blitz
Boarding - Gold Club
Boarding - Gold Club
Year 5 Belonging Day
College Assembly - 1sts Teams Jersey Presentation
College Assembly - 1sts Teams Jersey Presentation
College Assembly - 1sts Teams Jersey Presentation
Round 1 Sport - AFL
Round 1 Sport - AFL
Round 1 Sport - Cricket
Round 1 Sport - Cricket
Round 1 Sport - Cricket
Round 1 Sport - Volleyball
Round 1 Sport - Volleyball
Round 1 Sport - Volleyball
Boarder Blitz
Boarder Blitz
Boarding - Gold Club
Boarding - Gold Club

Upcoming Events


Tuesday 6 February

  • NAPLAN Readiness - continues
  • Year 6 Retreat
  • Study Hall – Senior Library
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Computer Lab
  • House Meetings Years 5-12
  • Old Boys Association AGM

Wednesday 7 February

  • Year 5 Welcome and Community Mass
  • Year 7 Camp - starts
  • UQ Science and Engineering Challenge
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Computer Lab
  • College Assembly

Thursday 8 February

  • Year 12 Geograph Camp - starts
  • Study Hall – Senior Library
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Computer Lab
  • Primary Morning Assembly
  • Environment Group - Room 801

Friday 9 February

  • Stationary Aid – Room 801
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Computer Lab
  • College Mass - Break 1
  • Swim Meet #2
  • AIC AFL Open Round 2 v Padua College
  • All Abilities Cricket
  • Year 8 Parent Function

Saturday 10 February

  • AIC Round 2 v Padua College (A)

Sunday 11 February

  • Boarders Mass’ - Chapel

Monday 12 February

  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Computer Lab
  • Primary Morning Assembly
  • Year 11 Brett Saunders Presentation (Consent and Legalities)
  • P&F and AGM Meeting

Tuesday 13 February

  • Year 11 Visual Art Excursion
  • Shrove Tuesday
  • Anniversary of the National Apology Day
  • Study Hall – Senior Library
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Computer Lab
  • House Meetings Years 5-12
  • FareShare Charity Kitchen

Wednesday 14 February

  • Year 12 Biology Day
  • Ash Wednesday
  • Library Lovers Day
  • Swimming Photos
  • Community Mass
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Computer Lab
  • College Assembly

Thursday 15 February

  • Interhouse Swimming Carnival
  • Study Hall – Senior Library
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Computer Lab
  • Primary Morning Assembly
  • Pastoral Group - Paper Recycling
  • Environment Group Meeting Break 1B - Room 801

Friday 16 February

  • Lenten Fundraiser and Free Dress Day
  • Primary Swimming Carnival
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Computer Lab
  • College Mass - Break 1
  • Swim Meet #2
  • AIC Open AFL Round 3 v Iona College
  • AIC Swim Meet #3

Saturday 17 February

  • AIC Round 2 v Padua College (A)
  • Cricket/Volleyball Photos

Sunday 18 February

  • Boarders Mass’ - Chapel