Group 23

What a fun year for Group 23! Here are some of our highlights for the year.

Amelie enjoying science

Here is Amelie enjoying getting her hands dirty with some science involving shaving cream, blue dye, and water. What a fun time she had!


Dae Gyu swimming

Dae Gyu’s favourite activity over the year was always swimming. Every Tuesday after a great day doing Math and English, he would enjoy some fun in the pool.   


Isaac science week

Isaac seemed amazed at how the colour was bleeding out of the lollies soaked in water on a plate. We did some amazing projects over science week.


Kaiden enjoying sport

Everyone has their favourite. For Kaiden it is sport. His most enjoyable moments were when he was enjoying sport with the class.


Veyndhan bush walk

Every week some of the students in the class got to go on a community walk around local parks with others. This is Veyndhan enjoying being around nature at Jells park.


Maximo enjoying maths

Maximo’s favourite activity was doing his math rotations. Here he is enjoying matching some shapes during rotations.