Extra Curricular at MAG

Invitation to join our Strings Ensemble

Our first Strings Ensemble rehearsal commences on Monday 4 March and we are excited!

Students with prior Strings experience, learning violin or cello for example, are invited to join our Strings Ensemble, which aims to provide an opportunity for students to develop musicianship, enjoy playing in a group setting, perform, and have fun!

Ms Katie Kim, experienced music tutor and multi-instrumentalist, will direct our Strings program.

Commencing in Week 6, rehearsals will be held weekly during Monday lunchtimes in JS17. Please contact Mrs Gibbs for further details if you would like to join.

Invitation to join our Co-curricular Choirs – Jr Singers and Snr Singers

The foundation for all music education is based first and foremost around singing and the voice. Not only is singing in a group beneficial for all musicians, but it is also a core and fundamental element in society, improves aural skills, musical literacy, and confidence in performance – and of course, is extremely fun!

At MAG, we offer both a Primary and Secondary vocal ensemble. 



Jr Singers is for students from Years 3 – 6 and we encourage students who enjoy singing and music to join.

Jr Singers will have many performance opportunities through the year, as well as prepare performances for an exciting event; the Bendigo Eisteddfod in Term 2 (details to come). 

Jr Singers rehearsals for 2024 are weekly on Fridays before school from 8.15-8.45am in JS4, led by Mrs Fiona Gibbs.



Keen to sing? Come and join us on RED WEEK Thursdays in SS8 at Lunchtimes - all Secondary students are welcome. Please see Miss Hale for more information. 

Participation in our co-curricular music ensembles including Strings Ensemble, Jr and Snr Singers, do not incur a cost, however a high level of individual commitment to attend weekly rehearsals will be required to ensure the ensemble is able to progress. 

Now Accepting 2024 Extra Curricular Tuition Applications (Optional)

We offer a variety of instruments available for students to learn through our extra-curricular music program. Our music tutors offer quality lessons and provide ongoing support to students so they can gain confidence in playing, and participate in a range of music performance opportunities.

The beginning of the year is a great time for students to commence learning an instrument and places for 2024 are filling up quickly; please note that a waiting list is now in place for some instruments including drums and guitar.

For students interested in participating in our Extra-Curricular tuition program, a range of percussion, brass, woodwind, and string instruments are available to learn, as well as the opportunity to join our Brass/Woodwind ‘Step Up’ program, or a Rock Band. 

Please refer to details on our website and if required, click on this link to apply: Extra-curricular Music Program Information.

Please note if your child already participated in our 2023 program, there is no need to re-apply.

Please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Fiona Gibbs, Head of Student Experience – Extra Curricular Music Program (K-12), should you have any queries.


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