Resource Centre

Have Your Say
As I write my first newsletter of the year, I thought it would be nice to develop a survey to guide me in producing the fortnightly content. The survey has allowed me to reflect on different aspects that I have included over the last few years.
Please fill out the survey here:
Thank you for your assistance. This will help build content that you want to see.
Borrowing Permissions
Due to our space being a K-12 Library, we have organised our collection to allow students to locate books that are written with protagonists who are of a similar age to our students. For example, for Upper Primary, most of the characters are 10-13 year olds (Years 5 & 6) and the themes and content are appropriate, allowing the students to read the books for pleasure independently and with confidence.
When deciding where books are placed, we are guided by the authors recommendation and the publisher synopsis and recommendations.
If students wish to borrow books above their age level, we ask that parents write a letter requesting permission for their child to borrow and read a specific book, which will then be reviewed by the Library staff.
New Arrivals
Over the past few weeks, Ms O’Neill has been covering books for the library that we received as part of our Scholastics Book Fair commission in 2023. So, come and discover new words, meet new friends or just learn something by checking out the latest books that are now in our library!
The Premiers Reading Challenge begins on 26th February and closes on 23rd August!
The Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) is upon us again. If you want your child to participate in the challenge, please let us know by:
- If your child has participated in the past all you need to do is use the same login details. If you can’t locate your login details, please let Ms. Height know and she will reset the password for you.
- If you child is new to the challenge you can have them join by:
- Contacting the library staff via
- Ask your child to let the library staff know in their library lesson.
- Let your child's teacher know via the school diary and they can pass it onto the library staff.
Once I have received the passwords, we will notify you.
If you want to start locating books for your child(ren) to read for the Challenge, please take time to preview the lists on the website:
In future newsletters, we will take a closer look at the rules of the Challenge. In the meantime, we invite you to explore the website for more details:
Resource Centre - Important details
Opening Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8.30am to 4.30pm
Friday: 8.30am to 4.00pm
Borrowing and Returns
Students may borrow and return books before school, at recess, at lunchtime or after school. Primary School students can also borrow books during their fortnightly Library lessons.
Borrowing Permissions
If students wish to borrow books above their age level, we ask that parents write a letter requesting permission for their child to borrow and read a specific book, which will then be reviewed by the Library staff.
Students can re-borrow books for an additional two weeks by speaking to staff at the Library Circulation Desk. If further borrowing is requested, students are required to bring their book with them to allow Library staff to sight the book. In addition, students can renew their book/s by emailing the Library (
If your child would like to borrow a specific book and the title is not included in our current catalogue, we will add this to our purchase wishlist.
Overdue notices
If you receive an overdue notice, there is a chance that the books may been processed through our system after the email was sent, so we encourage all parents to follow up any issues by emailing the Resource Centre at
If you have any other enquiries, issues or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us via phone by ringing the main office or via email address
Keep reading everyone!
Ms Height and Ms O’Neill
Resource Centre Team