Chaplain's Chat

“we want you to know about the grace that God has given…” 2 Corinthians 8:1b
Gathering together is important for any group of people who have common goals. Our year has begun with many of these in small tutor or class groups and larger gatherings of our year level or Primary/Secondary School. These times of togetherness remind us of our shared purpose and shape our sense of self in relation to others.
As I have reflected on our initial gatherings, ‘receiving’ has enriched our togetherness. Our Commencement Assembly, the first gathering of the year for the whole school community, involved formally acknowledging the gift of Gunbower Estate made possible through the generosity of the Kent Family Trust. Generosity enriches our lives, overflowing into a response of gratitude and serving others. The foundation of serving others, is to receive.
In the above verse from Corinthians, God is revealed as a giver of grace, generosity at the centre of his being. This was shown in Jesus and the time of Lent which began on Ash Wednesday points us forward to Easter when God’s generosity was on full display on the cross. This is the sign received in ashes on our forehead reminding us how precious life is.
There was much joy amongst the student body before Lent began with our Shrove Tuesday pancakes. Students from Kinder through to Year 12 were willing ‘receivers’ of this goodness covered in sweet maple syrup. These were given through our Parents and Friends volunteers and Secondary student leaders. Students continued this attitude of receiving in our Primary and Secondary Ash Wednesday chapels, with the vast majority of students choosing to receive the ashes.
Our school core value of integrity will of course lead to giving, but we don’t want to rush the spirit of thankfulness for the goodness of God’s grace in our community.
I am positive that our students and new staff have also received much friendship and support and we all look forward to what else God may bless us with in the year ahead.
Rev. Tim Bowles