Primary School

A growing body of international and Australian research demonstrates the significant benefits of an arts-rich education. An arts-rich education from an early age develops individual creativity and self-expression. An increasing body of research evidence points to both the direct and indirect benefits of young people’s involvement in arts-rich education programs.
Collective benefits include achievements in reading, language and mathematics development, increased higher order thinking skills and capacities, motivation to learn, and improvements in effective social behaviours. Over and above the obvious development of individual creativity and self-expression, school-based arts participation can improve learners’ confidence and motivation, thereby improving school attendance rates, academic outcomes and the well-being and life skills of children and young people.
At Moama Anglican Grammar, we recognise the valuable impact an arts-rich education has on our students and this year, we have employed a designated full time Primary Art teacher. Successful local artist Cindy Pedrana has taken on this exciting new role, and we feel incredibly lucky to have Cindy share her expertise and passion with our students in the field of Creative Arts.
This collaborative artwork from students in Year 1 to Year 6 is displayed in the Primary Office. Every student designed a unique gum leaf, symbolising their collective acknowledgement and appreciation for the rich heritage of our First Nations people. Together students have crafted a meaningful masterpiece that reflects unity and cultural recognition.
New English and Mathematics Syllabus
The NSW Education Standards Authority NESA has developed a new English and Mathematics syllabus for students in Years 3 to Year 10 which is being implemented in all NSW Primary and Secondary Schools this year. The syllabus has been designed using evidence-based research to develop essential knowledge and skills for all learners. Content is inclusive of every student in NSW, including Aboriginal students, EAL/D students, gifted and talented students, and students with disability. If you have any questions about the new syllabus, please contact your child’s classroom teacher.
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden
Whilst there are many exciting opportunities at Moama Anglican Grammar for students, we would like to put a spotlight on one of the favourite classes for our Year 3/4 students; Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden, taught by Mrs Annie Pinson. The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program is specially designed to introduce pleasurable food education to students during their early learning years to form positive food habits for life.
With the assistance of Registered Parent Volunteers, students can be found in the kitchen over the stove or in front of the oven. If not in the kitchen, you will find them enjoying their delicious meals in the dining area or they can be found getting their hands dirty in the vegetable garden. If you are interested in supporting these classes, please read how to become a registered volunteer under the School Notices Page. If you have any questions, please contact
Primary Parent-Teacher Interviews
The Primary School Term 1 face-to-face Parent/Teacher Interviews will be conducted on:
- Wednesday 6 March from 3:30 - 5:30pm
- Thursday 7 March from 3:30 - 7:30pm
Parents have the opportunity to meet with their child’s classroom teacher on either day and with their child’s specialist teachers on Thursday only. Interviews with classroom teachers are set for 12 minutes in your child’s classroom and meetings with the specialist teachers are set for 5 minutes each in the Multi-Purpose Hall. If you or the class teachers believe a longer time session is required, then this needs to be booked directly with the class teacher and will be outside of the advertised Parent /Teacher times.
The online booking via the PC Spider Parent Portal will open on Monday 26 February and close on Tuesday 5 March at 12:00pm.
Term 1 Co-Curricular Program
GRIP Leadership
On Thursday 15 February, our Year 6 Student Leaders participated in the annual GRIP Leadership Conference in Shepparton. The purpose of this conference was for Year 6 leaders to develop their leadership skills and to collaborate and connect with other Year 6 leaders in the region. The goal of the day was for students to leave with a clear vision, a solid understanding and plenty of ideas of how to develop their leadership roles throughout the remainder of the year.
“I liked how the GRIP leadership team was inclusive and let us be a part of the conference.”
Laura Mitchell
“One of my favourite parts was being able to be a part of the interactive games and being able to interact with the other students from different schools.”
Benji Brown
“What I liked about the conference was that it made learning about being a better leader fun and interactive. And it was good that we got the opportunity to meet other leaders and find out strategies they use so we could learn from them.”
Payton Polido
“My Highlight of the GRIP Leadership Day was when the presenters explained about possible sacrifices leaders can make. Also, it was just fun interacting with other students.”
Charlie Palmer
Primary Swimming Carnival
Last Friday we held our Primary Swimming Carnival for students in Years 3-6. It was a great day with lots of students swimming and supporting as well as showing outstanding house spirit. At the end of the day, it was Meninya who was victorious taking home their first ever Primary House Swimming title. Well done Meninya!
Stage Assemblies
Students and staff will continue to engage in Stage Assemblies as they provide additional opportunities for students to; build connections as a stage, celebrate individual student achievements, share work with peers, have fun and increase leadership capacity and opportunities.
Year 3B recently hosted our first Stage 2 Assembly. During the Assembly, Stage 2 talked about how students from Year 3 and Year 4 have been showing great core values over the first weeks of 2024. They also celebrated the success of our recent swimming sports day, where everyone did a fantastic job. Mrs. Frew explained how students can nominate each other for Citizenship awards based on their outstanding display of values. To end on a fun note, Year 3 and Year 4 had a friendly Pictionary-style game, with Year 4 coming out on top. It was a wonderful time celebrating together and having some friendly competition!
Primary Assembly
On Friday 23 February, the Primary School community connected at the first Primary Assembly for the year. I would like to congratulate Hugh Thomson and Ruby Law, two of our Year 6 School Leaders, for confidently running the Assembly. We enjoyed a beautiful performance from Emerson Wright on piano and Mr Harris set us the Take 3 Challenge. The students had some great laughs when watching the staff holiday highlights and got excited to learn more about the Term 1 Co-Curricular opportunities, calendar events and the 2024 Extra Curricular Music opportunities.
We look forward to our next Assembly on Friday 15 March when the Year 6 students will perform for us. Congratulations to the students below who received a Core Value Award for consistently displaying one or more of the School’s Core Values and Motto. Keep up the great work!
Summer Watson KA | Margot Weeks 2A | Darcy Shinners KA | Chris Hakim 1B |
Harrison Watson KB | Hunter O'Reilly 2B | Oakley Smidge KB | Harlow Gunn 1B |
Scarlette Roberts 6C | Brooklyn Gunn 3B | Jack Brown 1A | Arabella Knight 2A |
Louis Taylor 4B | Xavier Smith 1A | Alyssa Pirkebner 2B | |
Lila Hosking 3A | Akain Perera 3A | ||
Stacey Attalh 3B | Zadie Nathan 4B | ||
Aaira Aanjabin 4A | Ivy Cladingboel 5A | ||
Chad McKee 4A | Lila Mislicki 5A | ||
Brandon Dalziel 4B | Alby Bull 5B | ||
Rory Mansfield 5A | Gracie Fear 5B | ||
Emma Coffey 6A | |||
Willow Watson 6A | |||
Max Johns 6B | |||
Oliver Bowles 6C |
Room for a Zoom?
If you know of anyone who is currently considering their child’s education and they would like to find out more about our school, please feel free to share the flyer below. We are offering a 30-minute obligation free Zoom information session on Tuesday 19 March and Wednesday 1 May. Topics which will be discussed include; curriculum opportunities, co-curricular and extra-curricular programs, student wellbeing, enrolment process, fees, key dates and other general information.
Upcoming Events
29/02/24 Be Rare, Be You! Fundraiser
01/03/24 Primary Chapel
06/03/24 Primary Parent/Teacher Interviews 3:30 – 5:30pm
07/03/24 Primary Parent/Teacher Interviews 3:30 – 7:30pm
11/03/24 Labour Day Public Holiday – School closed
13/03/24 Naplan (Year 3 and Year 5 only)
13/03/24 Kinder Parent Reading Information Night 6:30 – 7:30pm (Please note change to date)
14/03/24 Naplan (Year 3 and Year 5 only)
15/03/24 Naplan (Year 3 and Year 5 only)
15/03/24 Primary Assembly – Year 6 Year Level Performance
Mrs Nici Deller
Deputy Principal - Head of Primary