From the Director of Teaching & Learning (K-12)

The Science of Learning
The needs of our learners are our priority and are ever changing. We are unwaveringly committed to continuously improving student experience across the scope of our Academic and Pastoral programs. To enable ongoing improvement in student growth and learning outcomes, a review of our approach to teaching and pastoral care is a strategic focus for 2024.
As part of this review, we have engaged with Dr Jared Cooney Horvath (PhD, MEd), an award-winning expert in the field of educational neuroscience, to provide clarity around how students learn and process information (The Science of Learning), during different stages of what Dr Horvath describes as ‘the Learning Trajectory’. As educators it is imperative that we understand the learning process, so we can increase the effectiveness of our teaching, by adapting our approaches accordingly.
Prior to school commencing, our Senior Leadership team were engaged in a 90 minute session with Dr Horvath, where he introduced the Science of Learning and the Learning Trajectory. Feedback from the team strongly recommended that this knowledge would be beneficial for all teaching and professional staff at Moama Anglican Grammar.
Consequently, on Wednesday 21st of February, staff took part in a professional development session facilitated by Dr Horvath. During this session, the stages of the Learning Trajectory (Surface, Deep and Transfer) were considered from a teaching and learning perspective, to ensure that the transfer of knowledge occurs and can be applied to a variety of different contexts. This understanding will serve as a foundation upon which we can better decide and align pedagogical decisions.
As a staff we look forward to continuing our exploration of the Science of Learning throughout the year and enhancing our teaching and learning practices in response to this.
Mrs Brooke Barber
Director of Teaching and Learning K-12