From the Principal

Continuing to Amplify Choice and Opportunity for our students
Moama Anglican Grammar students from Kindergarten to Year 12 have the opportunity to grow, learn, challenge themselves and strive to achieve their personal best through their participation in a myriad of diverse learning experiences.
Examples of this include our Academic and Pastoral program, Excursions, Camps, International Tours, Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular opportunities, and/or extension learning programs.
Access to such broad programs and opportunities enables our students to experience a balanced and holistic education which focuses on the development of the whole child, and creates learning pathways that are personalised to student passions and interests which complement academic learning.
At Moama Anglican Grammar we equally value and celebrate student growth and achievement in all forms, across all learning environments – it’s why we exist.
In 2024 and beyond we will be increasingly amplifying student choice and opportunity across the scope of our Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular programs.
On Thursday 15 February our Year 6, 7 and 8 students experienced their first Co-Curricular Sport session. The structure of this new Sport Pilot Program for 2024 is vertical in nature, with Year 6, 7 and 8 students grouped together to increase activity choice and to enhance relationships and connection across year levels.
Students had an initial choice of 21 Sporting Activities which, based upon student interest, led to 9 term-based pathways running in the first stage of the Pilot Program.
On Thursday afternoon’s during periods 5 & 6 for the remainder of the term we have students participating in AFL Football, Basketball, Cricket, Contemporary Dance, Gym / Fitness classes, Golf, Netball, Swimming and Tennis.
Each offering is staffed by experienced staff coaches and local coaches and focusses on skill progression, confidence development, fun and personal growth in areas of passion and interest.
It was fantastic to observe the excitement and enthusiasm of our students and staff during the first session of this new initiative on 15 February. I had the pleasure of visiting five venues and was highly impressed with the level of student engagement and the quality of coaching.
The amplification of student choice and opportunity in Sport, Music and Theatre is a strategic priority for 2024 and Beyond and I very much look forward to sharing further updates.
Mr Scott Downward