Grade 6 News

Learning in Action
Literacy, as part of the Head Start program, started off with revisiting the writing process and expectations. To plan, draft, revise, edit and produce are important factors when writing. Whilst students have explored these elements throughout their schooling to this point, we have set higher expectations for students to be more thorough and creative throughout the writing process. After all, it is not a race!
Similarly, our reading component included refreshing the students' minds on finding 'good-fit' books and the importance of choosing something that gauges their interest. They have used several new tools to assist them in understanding how we feel when we read, including factors that lead to boredom and those that stretch us. We have commenced building our classroom reading resources so students can select texts to suit their level and purpose.
Preview for Learning: We are about to commence a narrative unit, including a novel study on the book 'Rivet Boy'. Our key areas of learning will be story themes, character development & traits, and plot. We will also explore oral language by verbally telling stories and critiquing the role of the narrator.
Work on maths as part of the Head Start program included setting standards on workbook expectations and how to organise yourself whilst completing work. The students organised their Maths Masters folder and printed their goals that they we will be working on to complete their specific coloured belt. There was time allocated for the students to organise their username and passwords for Mathletics and Essential Assessment.
In addition, students have been working on fluency skills in some fun mathematical games, such as the Challenge Wall, plus they have been reconnecting with their problem-solving skills by looking at 'Hooks' and small group challenges.
Preview for Learning: For the remainder of the Head Start program, and following into the first few weeks, students will be working on a time investigation. The key areas for learning include 12-and-24-hour time, elapsed time, timetables and time zones. Additionally, we will be working with whole numbers and place values according to student need, including integers for students working above the expected level for maths.
To find out more about what will be covered in Year 6 maths click here.
Inquiry & Wellbeing
As part of the 2024 Head Start program, Grade 6 students reviewed and completed work on the school’s values. These values are an integral part of the classroom whilst learning and something we aim to live by every day. Our values of Respect, Resilience, Integrity, Acceptance & Curiosity were included in our program to refresh the students and set classroom expectations for the year ahead. The Grade 6 students also had some fun joining in on team-building games helping everyone in the class to become familiar with each other.
Preview for Learning: Coinciding with our literacy unit, students will be working on personal strengths and character traits as part of the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program. We will also commence work on Friendology to suit the needs of our students.
Fishing Rods:
This week, the school received a fishing kit for every Grade 6 from the Victorian Fisheries Authority. The kits include a rod, reel with line, tackle tray, some tackle and information on how to use them to catch a fish. The tackle tray includes fishing hooks.
The Victorian Fisheries Authority have created a Little Angler hub on their website. It has useful information, instructional videos and online resources about where and how to fish linking to existing resources from Fishcare and new resources to be produced just for the Little Angler Kits program.
This initiative aims to grow recreational fishing participation in Victoria by actively encouraging primary school-aged children to learn how to fish, as well as learning more about marine life and the natural environment.
A challenge was set for who would be the first to catch a fish and Luke and Lachie were the winners. Below is the re-enactment.
Swimming: District swimming is fast approaching. It is next Friday the 16th of February. There have been two early morning training sessions this week at Paul Sadler swimming and one more session on Tuesday next week. Good luck to our competitors who will be giving their absolute best at Waverley Aquatic Centre representing LPS with pride.
Athletics Day: School House athletics will be on Wednesday 6th March. Students are already practising in their PE class sessions and also Senior Sport on Friday morning.
Calendar and Events
16th Feb: District Swimming
27th Feb - 1st March: Life Ed Program
6th March: Athletics Day