Grade 5 News

Important Reminders
Sun Smart
As per our school's SunSmart policy, all students are required to wear hats till the end of April 2024.
Learning in Action
Head Start
The Head Start program has been a fantastic chance for students and teachers to begin building a learning community. At Lysterfield Primary School, classroom culture is extremely important. This first two weeks is a dedicated time where teachers and students work together to shape the learning culture of their classroom that will flow through to the rest of the year. It is a time for creating connections and a blueprint for how all members of the class will interact with each other, exploring who we want to be as learners and developing routines to support our learning for the year to come.
As part of our Head Start program, students have been collaborating to establish expectations within our reading and writing workshops. Each grade has been discussing how our school values are incorporated into our literacy unit, supporting them to be curious and resilient learners. Students have been given the opportunity to share their voice in regards to preferred learning styles in literacy. Student voice is fundamental in creating a safe environment where students feel they can take risks in their learning.
Preview for Learning
The narrative unit is just around the corner. Targeting the imaginative genre in the Victorian Curriculum, students will read picture story books, novels and use mentor texts for enjoyment and analysis, ultimately supporting their learning of how to write a narrative.
During Head Start, we began by identifying the different attitudes that we have towards Maths. Some students said that they love it and others admitted at times they found it confusing. We discussed that we should be willing to accept challenges and that it’s ok if we don’t understand the concept straight away as there are lots of people who can help us. The LPS Learner Profiles have been the backbone of our lessons. We discussed ‘persist’ when we applied different problem solving strategies and ‘collaborate’ when working effectively with a partner to investigate mathematical problems. We also measured the perimeter and area of a range of 2D shapes.
Preview for Learning
We will be looking at place value. Place value is the basis of our entire number system. This is the system in which the position of a digit in a number determines its value. Place value is important as almost all mathematical concepts build on this understanding.
Preview for Learning: Next week we will begin our Term 1 Inquiry topic in which we will be exploring the concept of democracy and citizens. We will pose questions to the students such as ‘What makes a good citizen?’ and ‘How and why do citizens work together to better their community?’ We will also look at Australia's voting system and compare it to the systems in other countries.
Learning in Action: A significant element of the Headstart program is ensuring Lysterfield students feel safe and connected in the learning environment. For various reasons, the beginning of a school year can sometimes be a bit of a bumpy road, so we have been spending time in classrooms exploring personal strengths and emotions. Driven by the Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationships program, we work with students to develop strategies that not only help them to understand their personal feelings, but also ways to show respect, acceptance and empathy towards others.
Preview for learning: Over the coming weeks, the Grade Five students will be learning about their character strengths through our Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program. Through our URSTRONG / Friendology program, students will be identifying the friendships and relationships they have in their lives.
We started the year learning about sustainability and how to take care of the environment. We did this by:
* Exploring wrapper-free lunchboxes. We discussed ways to reduce wrappers, like using bento boxes or buying one large packet of chips and sharing it into smaller reusable containers.
* Correctly disposing of rubbish. We discussed which rubbish goes in the waste bin, paper recycling bin or the compost bin.
* Visiting the LPS recycling station. We learnt that LPS is successfully recycling glue sticks, batteries and old markers and pens and we can do the same at home.
Specialist Timetable
We will begin the Specialist timetable in Week 3. This will remain the same for the whole of Term 1.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
5H | STEM LOTE | Performing Arts PE | Art | Senior School Sport | |
5M | PE STEM | LOTE Performing Arts | Art | Senior School Sport | |
5WH | Performing Arts | PE LOTE | Art | Senior School Sport STEM |
Other Information
Maths Hub Information
Congratulations to all of our Grade 5 students for their fantastic start to the year. We have been so proud of the confidence and maturity they have displayed.
From the Grade 5 Teacher
Karin Halstead, Ebony, Waldron, Chloe McElroy and Zahra Harvey