Grade 3 News

Important Reminders
As per our school's SunSmart policy, all students are required to wear hats till the end of April 2024.
Learning in Action
During the Head Start program, we learned the routines and expectations in Grade 3 for our Reading and Writing lessons. Students looked at the writing process and how to generate ideas, as well as what makes a good writer. We focussed on ‘getting to know you’ activities and collaborative learning. In addition, students completed a reading survey and reviewed the ‘I Pick’ strategy to help them choose a best-fit book. To assist them in working with a variety of students throughout the term, we set up 4 different pairs, or ‘Clock Buddies’. There was great excitement logging in to the Chromebooks and using our new passwords to navigate different sites, including Google Classroom where we will be saving some work and practising our typing skills.
This term the Grade 3 students will be learning about narratives and use the Narrative Hill template which they will be familiar with from last year. Our class novel and mentor text will be Matilda by Roald Dahl and we will be using it for a novel study, focusing on the plot, main characters, language and expression. Through this unit, students will extend their understanding of verbs and create a narrative text.
During Head Start, students set up their Maths Masters booklets. We discovered that many had forgotten some of their skills so we have been building up our fluency and confidence. We also practised setting up and locating resources within our classroom and enjoyed collaborating with a partner when playing maths games. A highlight was working with a friend to measure each other's heights using rulers and tape measures and creating streamers to represent them.
This term, we will be focusing on place value. Students have already done a pre test which will inform our planning and goal setting. Students will explore making and representing as well as ordering and comparing numbers. Following on from a series of length lessons, we will be completing an investigation involving measuring the length of dinosaur footprints
To find out more about what will be covered in Year 3 maths click here.
We started the year off with a variety of wellbeing activities which included reviewing the school values and setting up the classroom with a Student Shout Out board, Growth Mindset statements and a Friendology resource wall. Creating a personal ‘Learning Pit’ in their journals helped them identify the negative self-talk and what they needed to say to themselves to work through challenges. Students enjoyed guided meditations, affirmation writing, exploring their character strengths and friendship bingo.
We will be officially starting the Friendology program next week with Inner Ninja and making friends skills such as asking and answering questions.
Grade 3 Team
Susanne Stokol 3S
Amanda Rosewarne/ Emma Huxley 3RH
Alex Kent/ Peta Alexander 3KA
Emily du Vallon 3D