Grade 1 News

Important Reminders
All important dates and events are on our Compass Calendar, please check the calendar regularly to stay up to date!
Sun Smart
As per our school's SunSmart policy, all students are required to wear hats till the end of April 2024.
Weekly Timetable
Learning in Action
Learning in Action: What a great start to school we have all had – an exciting, yet sometimes, nerve racking step for students! To help support our Grade 1's with adjusting back into the hustle of bustle of school life, we begin the year with a school program called ‘Head Start’. The program focuses on student wellbeing, while helping students settle into the learning protocols and routines of junior school.
We're also excited to be a part of the URSTRONG community. URSTRONG is all about empowering students to build on their friendship skills while providing the adults in their lives, both parents and teachers, with a common language to support them. Students learn what's normal in a friendship, the difference between healthy and unhealthy friendships and how to stand up for themselves with kid-friendly concepts. So watch this space as we explore this terrific program.
Preview for learning: Over the coming weeks, the Grade 1 students will be learning about how to seek help through our Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program. Through our URSTRONG / Friendology program, students will be learning about how to be their own 'Inner Ninja' to be their own best friend.
Learning in Action: This fortnight in grade 1 students have started learning routines and structures that will be in place all year. Students have focused on understanding why we read as well as started looking at the reading goal of ‘I can decode words on my own’. Students were asked to connect their knowledge of phonemes (sounds) and graphemes (letters) to help them read words. In Writing, students have focused on learning how to write letters correctly on lines. Students have also started looking a the writing process, starting with drawing, labelling, and then writing.
Students in grade 1 will be going to the library on Thursdays. Students are asked to bring in a named library bag so they can borrow books for home.
Preview for Learning:
In the next fortnight, students in grade 1 will start working on their individual Reading and Writing goals. Students will also look at the narrative hill in Reading to understand the parts of a narrative text. This will support them in Writing as they will be writing narratives. Students will begin generating ideas about characters and settings.
Learning in Action: This fortnight students have started learning all about grade one maths. Students have learnt about our maths resources, working in small groups, hand signals that we can use in maths to show understanding, and started setting up our maths masters goals. We also began learning about length and measured items around the classroom using unifix focusing on recording our findings in an organised manner.
Preview for Learning:
In the coming weeks, students will continue to learn about length and will work in groups to measure each other's heights. Students will also learn how to represent numbers in different ways on a place value chart using different resources in the classroom.
Learning in Action: We have enjoyed discussing our school values with the students this fortnight as part of our Head Start program. It has been fantastic to not only hear the student’s understanding of the values, but also see them in action in the way they have been conducting themselves at school.
Preview for Learning: Next week we will begin our Term 1 Inquiry topic in which we will be exploring the concept of rules, both at home and at school. We will pose questions to the students such as ‘What are rules?’, ‘Why do we have rules?’ and ‘What would be like if there were no rules?’. Hopefully you enjoy opportunities to reinforce these ideas at home too!
Our amazing start to Grade 1
Congratulations to all of our Grade 1 students for their fantastic start to the year. We have been so proud of the confidence and maturity they have displayed. Here are some photos of their very first day in Grade 1.
1PR photos:
1i photos:
1A photos:
Student of the Week
Congratulations to our Grade 1 award winners.
Grade 1 |
1i - Ruby M |
1A - Henry H |
1PR - James C |
Other Information
Mathematics Hub Information
Dr Justin Coulson - Breaking Point Information
From the Grade 1 teachers,
Caillin Ibbotson, Isabella Albanese, Kayla Pepper & Rachel Ryan