Prep News

Important Reminders
All important dates and events are on our Compass Calendar, please check the calendar regularly to stay up to date!
- Students are required to bring their take-home bags to school daily. This will be used to send home notices, student work and take-home books.
- Please name all of your child's items. Students often misplace them and if there are no names, your child's items cannot be returned. We are also trying to develop your child's independence. We have had discussions with the children about picking up hats when they fall off and placing school jumpers back in bags. If your child loses one of their items, please check lost property, which is located opposite the first aid room.
- Preps will be attending school assembly from Friday 16th February at 2.45pm in the school gym.
Learning in Action
What a fabulous start to school we have had, a big step for both students and families! To help support students with this step, we begin the year with a whole school program called ‘Head Start.’ This program assists students to settle into school with a focus on student wellbeing, developing relationships and learning school expectations and routines.
Here are some things that we have covered so far:
- LPS school rules
- Name writing
- How to be a bucket filler
- Whole body listening
- Growth mindset
- Workbook expectations
- Whole class games
- Yoga and meditation
- Maths collaborative games
- Recognising and naming emotions
- Classroom and School Tours
In addition to all of this, students were introduced to our phonics program ‘Little Learners Love Literacy’. Each week students will meet new characters to learn new letter names and sounds. This week we met Milo the Monkey, whilst learning about the letter M. We loved making our very own monkey craft and drawing items that start with the /m/ sound.
Preview: We will continue settling into school routines with a growing focus on literacy and numeracy.
If you would like to learn about Prep Maths concepts and what your child will be learning in class, please click on the link to the flyer from Mathematics Hub
Class Timetables
House Teams
Meet The Teacher
We would like to wish the following students a very Happy Birthday!
Prep B
Chloe - 3rd Jan
Riley - 6th Jan
Caleb - 10th Jan
Lochlan - 21st Jan
Prep R
Cooper - 5th Jan
Prep S
Logan - 7th Jan
Danielle Sandeman, Amanda Remington and Jess Bouloukis
Prep Teachers