Resource Centre

Where has the time gone.. As we finish up our third week of Term 4, it is a time for reflection and looking forward to better things coming. 


Your help is needed as we begin the end of year process. This involves starting to recall books which allows us to undergo a stocktake and plan to improve and replace our collection so it is better for our users. We would like to start in the 7-9 Collection over the next few weeks. 


Thank you for supporting our Resource Centre and our school in developing lifelong readers and learners through purchasing.


On a side note, last Friday I closed the Loop for the book club. On Tuesday we received notification that it had been packed and shipped. So, our hope is to have them out to you early next week. 


Our very dedicated Resource Centre Team have been busy cataloging and covering books. We currently working on September and October standing orders.


And yes! It has taken us some time but we are halfway through the process of making the donation to Year 3 and Kindergarten as well. 


Donation photos for Year 3 may have already been put in the photos. Kindergarten books, I hope to complete the photos tomorrow for you.  


Thank you for your support.


The Resource Team