Around the School

World Teachers' Day

Today we celebrated World Teachers' Day! Happy World Teachers' Day to all our teachers at MAG. You are making a difference every day and we thank you for your dedication, passion, and tireless efforts to empower our students.


To top off a week of celebrations, this morning our wonderful Parents and Friends Association hosted an incredible morning tea for our MAG teachers. During the morning tea, our Primary and Secondary School Captains recognised the dedication and commitment of their teachers through some lovely speeches. The teachers were also surprised with a video from students across the School sharing their appreciation and gratitude. Throughout the day, the wider School decorated our 'World Teachers Day' wall with heartfelt thank you messages. 

New Table Tennis Table

Our Primary School students have been loving the latest addition to the junior area, a new table tennis table! Here are a few photos of the students utilising it to play downball last week.