Primary School

We welcome Sue Glennen to the administration team in the Primary Reception. Sue replaces Lisa McBurnie from Monday to Wednesday and Jenna Anderson continues to work in the office on Thursday and Friday. 

Year 6 Camp to Canberra

Last week, our Year 6 students undertook an education tour of the national capital. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding of $45 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.


Recount from Keisha Hall

On 17 October, we hopped on the bus for a long journey to Canberra. We had little cabins at a tourist park, and we participated in many fun things including visiting the Australian Institute of Sport, learning how to vote at the National Electoral Education Centre and visiting the Royal Australian Mint where many of us bought a freshly minted coin. We also visited the National Capital Exhibition Education Program which taught us about the history of Canberra, we went to CSIRO where we competed in a scavenger hunt and learnt many interesting facts in the resource hub, and we visited Questacon which was all about science and fun experiments and tricks. At Government House, we toured the garden and house and we all stood in the dining room where many Prime Ministers and Royals would have had dinner. We also visited the Museum of Australian Democracy where we learnt facts about previous Prime Ministers and about the history of our democracy. We attended the Australian War Memorial where we saw diorama rooms about World War I and World War II and we visited Parliament House where we saw Anthony Albanese, our current Prime Minister in the Room of Representatives debating with the opposition leader Peter Dutton. We met Sussan Ley, a member of parliament for the NSW seat of Farrer and current deputy leader of the opposition party. On our last morning, we visited the National Arboretum where we saw Bonsai trees, completed an orienteering challenge, and rolled down a massive hill. Thank you to the teachers who joined us and made this an unforgettable camp.


Campaspe Basketball Tournament

On Friday 13 October, our Year 5/6 girls and boys basketball teams attended the Campaspe Basketball Tournament held at the Echuca Basketball Stadium.

Throughout the tournament our teams played against other schools from the area, competing in many closely fought games throughout the day.

Both teams had an exceptional tournament, with the boys team making the semi-finals and the girls team playing off in the grand final game. The girls didn’t come out with the win, but we're incredibly proud of their second place for the tournament.

Throughout the day our students played some fabulous, competitive basketball, displayed exceptional sportsmanship, connected with students from schools across our region and did our MAGS community proud.

Primary Chapel

The first Primary Chapel this term was held on Friday 20 October. We explored the story of Jesus miraculously feeding a hungry crowd of over 5,000 people with a young boy’s lunch of just 5 loaves and 2 fish. Year 3 students took on roles in a dramatic performance, read the bible readings and said the prayers. We had one Kindergarten student as the young boy with his lunch and two Year 5 leaders who coordinated the service. There was also a piece of bread given out to everyone in the Primary School so that the students could experience the story. A big thank you to Reverend Phil who spoke and Mrs Pam Teh who explained how we can give to Operation Christmas Child.

Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes

This year families are encouraged to participate in Operation Christmas Child by preparing a shoe box with Christmas gifts for children in need and dropping this off to the Primary School reception. For families who wish to be involved, the due date is Friday 3 November. Below are links to information on how to pack the shoebox or donate.


How to pack a shoe box:


How to print a label and pay for postage so that you can watch the shoe box travel to its destination in another country:


There are also ready-made shoeboxes at reception if families would like to use an already made box. They are $0.50 cents each.

Term 4 Co-Curricular Opportunities

K-2 Stage Assembly

On Wednesday 25 October, we had our first K-2 Stage Assembly for Term 4. Pippa Gibson beautifully delivered the acknowledgement of Country before 2A students showed off their holiday writing posters. Isla Kennaugh and Maxwell Simpson presented their writing and did so with superb confidence. It was also great to see the smiles from the ‘Star of the Week’ award winners. 


 The ‘Stars of the Week’ award winners in K-2 were:




Ingela KimberlinMeg HollowayPippa Gibson
Dusty HarrisHamish CainAnastasia Attalh
Harlow Gunn Lottie Larkin
Georgia Smith  
Hunter Wells  

Year 3 Camp

Our Year 3 students are currently having fun at Camp Kookaburra at Corop completing activities such as canoeing, archery, the long ropes course, flying fox and giant swing. We look forward to hearing all about these amazing activities when they return this afternoon.

Year 5 Leadership Applications

The Year 6 leadership applications are currently open to our Year 5 cohort. These positions offer the experience for individuals to lead many successful activities, gain experience in leading initiatives and drive change within our Primary School. 

As part of this process, students are submitting nominations for the following positions:

  • School Leaders x 4                            
  • House Captains x 8 (2 per house)
  • Music Captains x 2
  • Primary Co-Curricular Captains x 2

Nominated students will prepare a speech which they will deliver to peers on Thursday 30 November. The successful candidates will be announced to the school community at the Primary Presentation Assembly. More information about the Leadership Application process has been shared with our Year 5 families.


LifeChanger is a preventative mental health and wellbeing non-profit organisation that empowers young people to live thriving, resilient lives. LifeChanger believes that many of the confronting challenges and alarming statistics that face todays youth are preventable through preemptive, early intervention programs that build self-esteem, self-awareness, positive self-identity and resilience. LifeChanger’s evidence-based program, expert facilitation and trained community mentors develop young people with the emotional and social skills to live thriving, resilient lives.


On Monday 30 October, our Year 5 students will participate in the ‘You are all leaders’ workshop. This workshop provides a mix of team building activities that allow students to problem solve and work together collaboratively, as well as reflective activities designed to inspire and uplift students to recognise the diverse leaders among them. Students will leave this workshop with a greater connection to their classmates, as well as themselves. They will also develop an understanding that leadership qualities can be found in everyone; empowering them to apply this newfound knowledge as they move through their final year of Primary School.


On Thursday 2 November, the Year 6 students will participate in the ‘Embrace change and bounce forward: Building your resilience toolkit’ workshop. This workshop is designed to assist students in their preparation for transitioning to high school, while also promoting acceptance of change in other areas of their lives. Through this workshop, participants will learn how to develop their self-confidence, self-belief, and ability to seek help when needed. Building resilience and empowerment are essential parts of this workshop as students leave with a greater understanding of practical strategies that help them stay grounded during times of uncertainty.


If you have any questions about the LifeChanger workshops, please speak to your child’s teacher.

Primary Market Day

During lunchtime on Thursday 9 November, the Year 9 Commerce class will be running a Primary Market Day. All Primary students from K-6 are welcome to attend the Market Day to enjoy lots of fun activities and hopefully win cool prizes! The event will be held at the Upper Primary grass area. All students that would like to participate, must remember to bring some money on this day.  $5-10 will be enough to have a great time, and all profits will be donated to Cancer Council to help support research on cancer. Activities include, ‘pick a duck’, ‘potluck’, ‘lucky dip’, ‘raffle’, ‘resin duck guess’, ‘throw a ball at Mr Moon’, ‘cup pong’, ‘tin can knock’ and enjoy a zooper dooper!! Bring gold coins for the activities and enjoy some good deals for multiple plays. 

This event is being held not only for the Primary school students to enjoy but for the Year 9 Commerce students to develop important skills about running a small business.

Remembrance Day Service

On Friday 10 November at 10.30am, Primary students will join the Secondary students for a whole school Remembrance Day Service in the UCA. Remembrance Day is a time for Australians to unite in solemn respect and remembrance for all those who served and died for our nation. Over the past century, this moment has been adopted across the globe as a time to remember those who served and sacrificed in all wars and conflicts. This is a very important day on our MAG school calendar and parents are welcome to attend. 

Change of Date

The date for the Primary Christmas Concert was advertised for Friday 8 December; however, we have changed the date to Monday 11 December. More information about the concert will be shared with families in due course. 

Upcoming Events

30/10/23             Year 5 LifeChanger Incursion

02/11/23             Year 6 LifeChanger Incursion

03/11/23             T20 Primary Cricket (selected students only)

03/11/23             Primary Assembly; Kindergarten Performance 

06/11/23             Exeat Holiday (student free day)

07/11/23             Melbourne Cup (student free day)

09/11/23             Primary Market Day

10/11/23             Remembrance Day Service

16/11/23             Kinder 2024 Parent Information Evening

17/11/23             Primary School Chapel



Nici Deller                                                      

Head of Primary