Prep News

From Julia, Prep teacher 

Junior Sports Day 

Last week, the Preps got their first experience for a sports carnival! They competed in five events (with the help of family helpers - thank you so much again for your time): Bean Bag Bash, Egg and Spoon Race, Chicken Relay, Tug of War, and an obstacle course. 


The energy was high, the spirit of competition was in the air, and very impressively, all students worked so hard towards showing the school values of R.I.S.E. to earn house points at every event. To top off the day, everyone was treated to a Zooper Dooper in the sun. 


The Prep Team would also like to give a huge shout out to Year 2 Team Leader, Kim, for organising the whole event for all of the junior years. We are so appreciative of all the effort behind it!

Getting Ready for Swimming and Year 1

Next week, we will begin swimming lessons. We have been preparing the students at school by talking about personal hygiene, how we keep our bodies clean, and that our bodies are special. We have discussed that everyone has a body and they all look a bit different and how to be safe around each other’s bodies and show respect to them at the pool. We encourage you to reiterate these conversations at home, as well as having a bit of fun practising getting dressed independently, for example by putting on a timer and turning it into a game after bath or shower time - turn it into a game!


As we move towards the end of the year, we are also discussing the transition into Year 1. This can be a difficult time for some students that comes with some big feelings  as they face a new transition. We are excited and nervous! But it’s nothing we can’t face! Once again, we encourage you to start talking about this transition with your children to grow the feelings of excitement and  confidence for the year ahead, as well as pride in all their achievements this year.