Year 6 News

From Elly, Year 6 teacher

Lists of gratitude



This week Year 6 read the beautiful picture story book, My Strange Shrinking Parents by Zeno Sworder. The author reflects on his own migrant parents' sacrifices to create a story about what it means to give to those you love. Inspired by his message, we reflected on the many ways that we are grateful for our parents.



Here are some examples of 'Top Ten Gratitude' lists we wrote for our Mums and Dads.


Mum and Dad. YOU ARE THE BEST! How will I explain this in only ten ways? 


  1. Give me unconditional love. No matter what, you love me for who I am, and this unwavering support is something to be grateful for,
  2. Make sacrificeswith your time and money. I mean you even cancelled going out for dinner because it was my basketball final. Also, paying for the team uniform costs a lot.
  3. Teach me soooo much like how to tie up my shoelaces, ride a bike and make sushi. I make it better than you now, mum!!
  4. Are my moral compass. You have taught me right from wrong and help me make decisions. 
  5. Are my support system. Life is full of ups and downs and you are always there for me. You are my cheer squad. 
  6. Provide a Home: a roof over my head, meals on the table, and the warmth of a family environment. PS I will try cooking more….. 
  7. Encourage my Individuality: Mum and Dad, you support my quirky individuality and encourage me to pursue my passions. You make me feel worthy. 
  8. Create family memories like all our trips and celebrations of birthdays.  
  9. Make me laugh, especially you dad……always 
  10. Hug me 


Ten things that I am grateful to my parents for:

  1. Putting food on my plate and always cooking my favourite food when she can.
  2. Putting a roof over my head and having a place to live because they have to work really hard to pay off bills.
  3. Loving me and not comparing me to others.
  4. Giving me their time because they always play board games with me and take me to training and tennis games.
  5. Teaching me because without my parents spending their time to teach me some really important life lessons, I wouldn’t be who I am today.
  6. Being by my side through all the ups and downs in life and supporting me.
  7. Caring about my education and sending me to a great school and spending lots of money on books and school.
  8. Encouraging me to do better and try to improve myself, even if I don’t succeed they always keep telling me to never give up.
  9. Letting me go to excursions and camp as I can experience one in a lifetime fun and they spend a lot on me every year.
  10. Letting me do the things I love like sport.

Ten things I am grateful about my parents

  1. They are helping me get a better future by providing me with education
  2. The help that they give me
  3. They love me
  4. They sacrifice their time for me
  5. They waste their money so I can have fun
  6. They always do whats best for me
  7. They work day to night everyday just to put food in the table so I can eat
  8. They help me socialise
  9. They are respectful and caring
  10. They left their home and transferred to another country to let me have a good life


A list in poem form

This is a poem, a poem to thank, a poem that took quite some time to make. 

Unclog your ears, and get ready to listen, I’m about to name some things that you have given. 

Firstly, I thank you for sacrificing everything for me, as loyal as one of a hives honey bees. 

I thank you for providing me with education, helping me learn through explanations and demonstrations. I thank you for always helping me in times of need, providing everything without showing signs of greed. And when I settle into my bed, I remember who put this roof over my head, because...this is a poem, a poem to thank, for everything you have given me