Year 3 News

3C performed at assembly last week, sharing their home languages with the audience. Pictured are Tess, Pareen, Gabrielle, Mary, Leo, Micah, Henry, Jasper, Isabel, Bujin, Tahlia, Johnson, Benji, Khang, Nattai, Des, Mahdi, Felix, Kalin

Amanda, Year 3 teacher

Creative Comics 

Students in 3D have been having a blast with their most recent writing pieces. Inspired by the ‘Dirt By Sea’ by Michael Wagner, they have written their own comics, experimenting with voice.


Comics they have created follow the problems and solutions of two characters as they travel to four different destinations - whether locally, regionally, Australia-wide or internationally. 

Saying hello!


Students banners with their home language saying 'hello' included the following greetings:


in Mandarin…Ni hao

In Swedish…hej

In Italian…salve

In Maltese…bongu

In Japanese…konnichiwa

In Vietnamese…xin chao

In Persian…sallam

In Hindi…namaste

In Fijian…Bula!

In Arabic…As-salaam ‘alykum

In Spanish…hola

In Mongolian…san yy

In Dutch…hallo

In Macedonian…zdravo

In Bilen……Hur om brahon


Following are some of 3D’s drafts.