Grade 3 - 4
The students of grade 3 & 4 have been continuing on with the mentor text, Tea & Sugar Christmas. Students have been working on building their vocabulary and working on their fluency skills. Students have been able to have conversations about the meaning behind the word choices the author has used and how the images help support the text.
Maths have seen the students learning all about angles. They have been learning the different language used such as Acute, Obtuse, Right, Straight and reflex. They have had fun learning to use a protractor as well, this has helped them with measuring the correct angle after they had a guess at what it might have been.
The year 3’s and 4’s have been working very hard on their persuasive writing. They have been writing arguments for why schools should have a canteen and whether all children should have a pet. The work has been of a high standard and most would agree with all the persuasive arguments.
In humanities the students have been learning about the differences between rules, responsibilities, and laws. They have looked at how these laws and rules effect them at home, school, and in the wider community. They have also written thank you letters to the people they are most grateful to for keeping them safe.