We are never alone in sharing the faith, because it is the Lord with me who transmits the faith, and Jesus promised: “I will be with you every day until the end of the world.”   

- Pope Francis

Dates To Remember


  • Thursday, 2 November - Whole School Mass - All Souls - 9:30 am
  • Monday, 6 November - Whole School Closure
  • Tuesday, 7 November - Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday
  • Wednesday, 8 November - Grade 3/4 Australian History Excursion
  • Monday, 13 November - Mad Scientist Show School Incursion
  • Thursday, 16 November - Foundation Transition Day - 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
  • Friday, 24 November - French Day (all day) and Christmas Market (3:30 pm - 7:00 pm)
  • Thursday, 30 November - Junior Sports Carnival
  • Friday, 15 December - Last day of school for students
  • Wednesday, 20 December - Last day of school for teachers and administration staff


  • Tuesday, 30 January 2024 - First day of Term One, 2024 for ALL students
  • Wednesday, 31 January - Rest day for foundation students
  • Wednesday, 7 February - Rest day for foundation students
  • Wednesday, 14 February - Rest day for foundation students
  • Wednesday, 21 February - Rest day for foundation students
  • Wednesday, 28 February - Final rest day for foundation students

Principal’s Message

It’s been a fast start to Term Four and I am delighted to see that all of our students have settled back into routine quickly unlike the weather which keeps on turning to keep us on our toes!


Term Four has already been, and will continue to be, a busy one, with foundation transition days, bike education, the bike hike to Meeniyan for Grade Five students and Inverloch for Grade Six students, the Mad Scientist Show incursion and lots of testing in preparation for reports and transition into 2024.


Our office staff have also been busy and we are pleased to advise that the fee intentions and payment options for 2024 are close to being finalised and approved by DOSCEL School Fees.  We look forward to sharing these details with you all by the end of October.


Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the importance of arriving to school on time.  When children regularly arrive late, they miss out on so much:

  • They miss the lovely morning meet and greet that connects children to their peers, teachers and classroom environment - an important part of children feeling that they belong.
  • We schedule literacy, reading and spelling for our morning lessons - regular lateness means that children are missing critical learning.

PLEASE help your child arrive on time to school EVERY day and if you need support in this area do not hesitate to speak to me or our Deputy Principal, Anna Patterson to see how we can assist both you and your child in this transition.



Sports Update - Gippsland Regional Athletics

Wednesday, 18 October 2023, saw the Gippsland Regional Athletics run in warm conditions in Newborough.  Our school had great parent representation at this event and we are very grateful to you for this and for having our students at school earlier than usual to catch the bus.


Competition becomes more intense as students work through the levels to the State Championship and reaching Regional level is an achievement in itself.  All competitors should all be very proud of their efforts to get there - CONGRATULATIONS! 


We are pleased to advise that athletes and teams who finished first or second in their event have qualified for the State Championship to be held at Lakeside Stadium in Albert Park on   1 November, 2024.

First PlaceSecond Place

Aiden Cook

10 years High Jump - 1.31 meters 

Aiden Cook

10 years 100 m - 16.27 seconds

Eve Hansen

12 Years 200 meters - 28.67 seconds.                

Eve Hansen

12 years High Jump - 1.41 meters (PB)

Aiden Cook, Leo Johnson, 

Ryder Pedlow and Kade White

10 years Relay - 1.01 minutes

Individual EventsRelay Teams

Kayden Cambell

12 years High Jump 1.39 meters (6th)

12 years Long Jump - 3.98meters (11th)

Indigo Campbell, Makenzi Kranen,

Addi Misale and Indie Roberts

10 years Girls - 1.06 minutes (8th)

Makenzi Kranen

10 years Long Jump - 3.08 meters (9th)

Eve Hansen, Tiarna Llewellyn,

Olivia Marinou and Lacy McRae

12 years Girls - 1.02 minutes (8th)

Sophia Licciardello

11 years Hurdles - 16.45 seconds (12th)

Kayden Campbell, Nathan Jimmy,

Noah Jimmy and Finn Shields

12 years Boys - 1.06 minutes (10th)

Levi Orgill

12 years 200 meters - 30.07 seconds (12th)


Ryder Pedlow

10 years 200 meters - 31.75 seconds (6th)


Kade White

10 years 800 meters - 2.56 minutes (11th)

10 years 1500 meters - 4.45 minutes (9th)


Dihen Wickrangasinge

10 years Discus - 21.59 meters (5th)




ABC Awards

ACT Responsibly - BE Respectful - Care for Others










Achievement Awards

Uniform Update

We are excited to introduce a new blue polo shirt to our uniform options.  The blue polo can be worn instead of the current white polo shirt as an alternative.


Whilst we are waiting for sizes eight and 12 to arrive in the blue polo shirt, all other sizes are available for purchase via CDFPay and there are plenty of white polos in stock in all sizes. Due to limited stock, only ONE blue polo can be purchased per child until more stock arrives.

All Hallows' Eve Fundraiser - Trick or Treat Bags