Assistant Principal

Collaborative Coaching 2023 

Throughout 2023, Holy Family has been in involved in a whole Broken Bay Diocese initiative called Collaborative Coaching. The focus at our school has been writing and each fortnight I work with the teachers to analyse student writing and plan for future lessons. 


Next Friday, I will present an overview of our achievements to the leaders of Curriculum Improvement at the main office of CSBB.

 I am so proud of the staff and students and wanted to share part of the items I will be communicating.  Staff have been involved in:

  • Identifying students who have a language background other than English
  • Analysing writing data to plot all EALD (English as an Additional Language or Dialect) student writing for CSBB data collection
  • Engaging and planning with our EALD teacher Margaret Brewster to create high quality English lessons
  • Fortnightly data analysis of writing sessions with staff
  • Professional learning around the new English Syllabus 
  • Moderating sessions for writing analysis and report writing
  • Celebrating writing success with all students 
  • Inclusion of oral language activities before writing to ensure that our students have the most success in their writing. 
  • Planning in explicit teaching of new vocabulary that assists and extends our writers. 

This is only a short list of the many ways that the teachers at Holy Family have engaged and extended your child's writing. 


Have a lovely weekend. 

Sam Edwards

Assistant Principal