Principal's Message

Dear Holy Family Parents and Carers, 


World Teacher’s Day

Today is an opportunity for students and families to acknowledge the wonderful work teachers do all around the world. The vocation of teaching is a special one indeed. Great teachers possess skills that go beyond understanding their subjects and how to teach it. They understand people, especially children, and how to encourage the very best from them. It is a highly relational job and takes much energy and dedication. Great teachers demonstrate an ability to know exactly what a student needs - sometimes challenging and sometimes supporting. 


Let us remember our teachers on World Teachers Day by keeping our wonderful staff in your nightly prayers. Let us pray that they continue to feel nourished by the very important work that they do for our young generation and pray that they find satisfaction and energy to continue to make a difference in our world, in the lives of children and their families.



Musica Viva

This week all Kindergarten to Year 6 students participated in Musica Viva, a live performance from a culturally rich and musically diverse ensemble called "Life is an Echo". 


The theme of the performance - "Understand the Power of Tone and Silence". A Japanese, Taiwanese, and Singaporean heritage, the musicians of San Ureshi illuminated the richness of their cultural backgrounds by performing on erhu, guzheng, and percussion. Students discovered how to create space for and between themselves through music and learnt how to respect one another through the arts. 


Thank you to our Parents and Friends Committee for providing this marvellous opportunity for the children. The feedback from both staff and students was extremely positive.


Seniors - Year 5 and Year 6 Excursion to Canberra

Next week our Senior students will head off to Canberra, our nation's capital as part of their learning program. It will be a packed few days with visits to a variety of sites which complement their History and Geography lessons on democracy, citizenship, federation, governance and immigration. 


I wish to thank our dedicated staff for organising this wonderful learning opportunity. We can hardly wait to hear all about your adventures.


Monday Afternoon Assembly 

No assembly next week due to the Seniors' excursion to Canberra.


Coles Development Update 

Over the past week the team have made significant progress with the site, the completed works achieved are:

  • Completion of our third suspended slab on LG1 Pour 3. Pour 4 remaining
  • Commencement of the Suspended deck on Upper Ground Pour 3
  • Completion of all Lifts & Fire Stair Cores 

Works that are targeted for the remainder of the week are: 

  • Concrete Pour to Upper Ground P1 on Saturday 28/10/2023, a one lane closure will be utilised
  • Concrete Pour to LG2-LG1 Columns in Pour 4 on the 24/10/2023
  • Concrete Pour to LG1 – UG Columns in Pour 1 on the 26/10/2023
  • Continuation with Formwork to the Upper Ground Slab

God Bless you and your families. 


Pauline Dinale 
