Principal Report

Welcome Back to Term 4 !

NDIS Navigator Initiative

The Victorian Government is introducing new NDIS Navigators from 2023 in government specialist schools to provide support to parents and carers to help them navigate and understand the NDIS, enabling them to get the most out of the supports available. They will also provide support to schools, parents and carers to better understand the interface between the education system and the NDIS. 


I am excited to announce that Belmore School has been accepted into the first round of this initiative for a 1day position and the recruitment process is already underway. Over the course of this term, I will send updates regarding the implementation of this program, what this might look like at Belmore and how it can be accessed.


Professional Practice Day - Monday 6th November

The Department has recommended that schools hold a second common professional practice day to enable staff to undertake professional learning in a collaborative way and to ease the burden on replacement staff in consideration of the current limited availability of casual replacement staff. Subsequently the Belmore School Council has endorsed the date of Monday the 6th of November to be a pupil free day in Term 4. This date was selected as it is the Monday before the Melbourne Cup holiday on the Tuesday when many families take the opportunity to have an extended four-day break with their family.


Professional practice days provide school staff with release from their scheduled duties to focus on the improved delivery of high quality teaching and learning. A big thank you to the Belmore School community for your support on this day.

Captial works update

The construction on Stage B of the capital works project has continued its progression over the last few weeks. With lots of action in the front of the school including the pouring of the concrete slab for the last classroom and works continuing on the remaining bathrooms and nurse’s office. A large amount of excavation has taken place and preparations are underway for building the main entry ramp into the school. The replacement of the existing windows in the stage b classrooms will commence in the next few weeks. I would just like to say a big thank you to the entire school community for your flexibility and continued patience negotiating all of the aspects of the capital works project, including the busyness of the front entry. I look forward to updating you regarding our move into the new classrooms when we have a confirmed date.

School Photographs

We have our School photographs on Wednesday 1st November. Students need to be wearing their school uniform for their photos. 


Please ensure you have completed your order and payment. If you have any questions, please contact the office.

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support


Amanda White
