Climate Canons

UWA Grand Challenges Making a Difference Grants Showcase 2023 and Enviroweek 2023

UWA Grand Challenges Making a Difference Grants Showcase 2023

The Climate Canons were fortunate enough to be the recipients of a grant from UWA earlier this year. The Grand Challenges Making a Difference Grants offered students the opportunity to work on a project aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. After a few false starts the students worked on a project that would hopefully change the recycling habits for the better of our Year 7 students. 


Meleina Zeeb (Year 11), Amy Zoetelief (Year 8), India Douglas (Year 8) and Jordan Ciccarone (Year 8) represented the Climate Canons at UWA on Monday, 23 October to present at the showcase what we had learnt and achieved. We witnessed some amazing projects by other schools and are inspired to keep fighting the good fight. Thank you to Mrs Lindsay Kippen for driving the bus for us and to UWA Grand Challenges Making a Difference Grants for the opportunity, we greatly appreciate your support.

Enviroweek 2023

In Australia, Enviroweek is held from 22 - 28 October and gives schools and young people across Australia the opportunity to connect with their local environment and community. Each year, thousands of people across Australia take action to improve our environment by joining in with local community events. 


On Thursday, 26 October, the Climate Canons hosted a lunch time event to share ideas with students about how they can be actively involved in their local environments. Students ran an information session and quiz to engage students in being participants in helping and sustaining their school and neighbourhoods environments.


Miss D Pisconeri

(Humanities and Social Sciences Teacher and Climate Canons Co-ordinator)