
International Chemistry Quiz 2023

International Chemistry Quiz 2023

In Term 2, the Year 11 and 12 ATAR Chemistry classes participated in the 2023 International Chemistry Quiz (ICQ). The quiz, which is held at schools around the world, aims to promote interest in chemistry and the role of chemists in society.


The quiz challenged students to apply their chemistry knowledge and critical thinking skills to interpret and analyse various scientific scenarios. The questions were carefully crafted to stretch their understanding and test their problem-solving abilities.


Congratulations to Year 11 students, Aince Royal and Shelna Sony, and Year 12 students, Sumail Sidhu and Jonathan Le, who received a Distinction in the ICQ. Congratulations also to Year 11 students, Josh Mathew and Abner Silveira, and Year 12 students, Lexi Satti and Aarush Vijapure, who received a Credit in the ICQ.


I commend all the participating students for their dedication, hard work, and enthusiasm for chemistry. Their participation in the International Chemistry Quiz not only enriched their understanding of the subject but also showcased their talents on a global stage.


Congratulations to all our chemistry enthusiasts!


Miss K MaGee

(Chemistry Teacher and Head of House - Kilnacrott)