Notices and Reminders

Year 7 2024 Orientation Day, St Joseph's Youth Group Quiz Night, Sports and Special Photos, Summer Menu, Train Closure Update, Enrolments 2024 and Youth Consultant Network

Year 7 2024 Orientation Day

A reminder that the Year 7 2024 Orientation Day is Wednesday, 29 November. Students are asked to arrive at 8.45am and assemble in James Court, outside the Br Pat Forum. 


Students can be collected at 3.00pm. There is an opportunity for catch-up MYAT testing straight after, from 3.10pm - 4.10pm. Students can be collected by a parent or carer from James Court, or they can use the College bus service with parent permission.


Mrs T La Vanda

(Head of Year 7)

St Joseph's Youth Group Quiz Night

Sports and Special Photos

Sports and Special Photos are now available for purchase online. To access photos, please visit, and enter the Access Key as below.

  • Athletics: AAX59BRT 
  • Basketball: 5QHFB4SV 
  • Co-curricular: R7H2MWB9 
  • Other Sport: HB5MLXCJ

Once logged in, click on 'enter another access key' to change to a different Access key without losing the orders in your cart . This will ensure you only pay for postage once and you receive all photos at the same time. Photos will be available online for six months.

Summer Menu

We will be offering our summer menu in Term 4. Please be aware that there will be changes to the daily specials available. Some of the favourites will stay and we will be introducing some new items for all to try.


With the cost of produce continually increasing throughout the year, we have had to adjust our pricing accordingly. Please refer to the summer menu on our website.

Train Closure Update

The Minister for Transport has announced that regular Armadale/Thornlie Line customers will be provided with six months of free travel from 20 November 2023 in recognition of the inconvenience caused by the shutdown.


The following criteria applies:

  • Are a current SmartRider user;
  • Have used an Armadale/Thornlie Line station between Armadale and Carlisle stations at least once a week for 13 weeks (does not have to be consecutive) in the last six months.

Those eligible will automatically have a free travel token applied to their SmartRider from 20 November 2023 to 31 May 2024 so will not need to apply or register for the free travel entitlement. Year 7 students starting high school in 2024 who have not already met the eligibility criteria and who will be impacted by the shutdown will be eligible for free travel from the start of the school year until 31 May 2024.   


Please refer to Issue 8 of St Norbert News for more information about the shutdown, or visit the Transperth website.

Enrolments 2024

If your child is not returning to the College in 2024, please inform the College (in writing) as soon as possible to  avoid having to pay a term’s fees in lieu of sufficient notification. 

We have a number of students on our waiting lists and would like to offer positions for 2024 when they become available.

Mr J O'Sullivan

(Business Manager)

Youth Consultant Network

Registrations are now open for the City of Canning's Youth Consultant Network. As a member, you will ensure youth perspectives and issues are heard during projects that impact our community. Youth consultants will have direct input and provide feedback on City operations and have opportunities to collaborate with each other and City staff to identify and shape solutions and initiatives.


The Youth Consultant Network is open to passionate people who live, work or study in the City of Canning aged 13 to 25 (with parental or guardian consent for those aged below 18) and will meet monthly to discuss current youth issues, trends, and upcoming engagement opportunities.


If you would like to join the Youth Consultant Network, please complete the below sign up form and return to  the Youth Services Team (