Meet Tina Qi, Year 10

I came to Kilvington in 2022 as a Year 8 student with a Chinese background. I've really enjoyed my time at Kilvington since my very first day here. Kilvington’s warm and welcoming ambience helped me relax and settle into the new environment from the beginning.
Academic-wise, with the help of all my teachers, I was able to quickly familiarise myself with the new content for each of my subjects. Moreover, Kilvington offers copious co-curricular activities, ranging from sports-related ones such as the Kelpies Running Club and Scorpion Soccer, to music-related such as orchestras, various choirs, annual productions and more.
Participating in these co-curricular activities has not only allowed me to learn about new things, but also to have fun and make more friends.
Lastly, the students at Kilvington are very friendly. Soon after I came here, I found a friendship group that I could join. This has relieved a lot of stress I had prior to coming to this new environment.
Overall, I want to say a big ‘thank you’ to all my teachers and friends. I am really grateful for all the opportunities Kilvington has provided me with. To any future Kilvington students, whether you are international or local, my best advice is: ‘Have fun and try your best.’